Stress management Rubric

Ace homework tutors – APA FORMAT 3 pages double spaced

ONLY SPEAK ABOUT: Weaknesses of the article (25 pts): Be sure to look critically at the background, methods, results, and discussion. Answer any questions from section b. that demonstrate the weakness of the article. Was there a better way to do this research study? What do the results and discussion really mean? What was missing from the study? What could have been done differently? Are all results discussed? Are all conclusions based on sufficient data?

Articles you may use:

Use Article 1 to Digest the information, then use Article 3 to Support your argument

Article 1: Stress management interventions in the workplace improve stress reactivity: a randomised controlled trial

This scientific study aims to explore the effects of long-term stress on psychological and biological reactions to work stress (Limm et al., 2011). The study examined methods for reducing stress and it seems to have been effective one year after the study. The method they deemed to be effective is called stress management intervention, which focuses on addressing the causes of stress and prevention of said stress. The experiment was performed on 174 males in lower and middle management.

Limm, H., Gündel, H., Heinmüller, M., Marten-Mittag, B., Nater, U. M., Siegrist, J., & Angerer, P. (2011). Stress management interventions in the workplace improve stress reactivity: a randomised controlled trial. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 68(2), 126–133.

Article 3: To Be or Not to Be (Stressed): The Critical Role of a Psychologically Healthy Workplace in Effective S


Rubric for Stress Management

3 PAGES, DOUBLE SPACED, IN Ace homework tutors – APA FORMAT

SPEAK ONLY ABOUT: WEAKNESSES OF THE ARTICLE (25 POINTS): Take a close look at the background, methods, results, and discussion. Answer any questions from section b. that show the article’s flaws. Was there a more efficient way to conduct this research study? What exactly do the findings and discussions imply? What did the study leave out? What would you have done differently? Are all of the results discussed? Are all conclusions supported by adequate data?

You could use the following articles:

Article 1 should be used to digest the information, followed by Article 3 to support your argument.

Article 1: A randomized controlled trial of stress management interventions in the workplace improves stress reactivity.

This scientific study aims to explore the

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