Research Paper Assignment
 Click on the above link to download and open this assignment on your computer.  This is your final objective writing assignment for Anthr 1.  This 4 – 6 page paper will take some time and thought to earn a good grade.  Start early!
Save your work as a Word doc or docx or as .odt, .rtf or .pdf .  Some people still do not realize that I cannot open any files sent as .pages or ZIP or Google docs or shared through Google Drive.  It would be unfortunate if you failed this assignment simply because you did not follow instructions.  Don’t let that happen!

Click on the file below to access the Annotated Help write my assignment – Bibliography Assignment.  Upload your completed Annotated Help write my assignment – Bibliography assignment to the drop box link below. 
Your work must be saved as a Word doc or docx, or in .odt or .pdf or .rtf format. 
As some of you found out the hard way, Canvas does not open files submitted in “Pages” or ZIP format or Google docs/Google Drive.  I cannot open your file if you use one of these formats.  I cannot grade your paper if I cannot open it.  If you want to receive a grade for your work, you have to submit it in a format that the Canvas system can access!
Upload and submit your completed Annotated Help write my assignment – Bibliography  Assignment essay in an acceptable file format by clicking on the blue “submit assignment” box at the top right of this assignment page.  

This assignment is due by 11:00 p.m. on 4/11/2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online.  

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