But things are different because of the coronavirus, we do not actually have to be going to a zoo. You are perfectly fine using zoo camera videos or video clips of primates in action. However, now some zoos are opening! So if you like you can definitely but be careful.
There are many great live zoo cams from places like the San Diego Zoo and the Smithsonian among others. In addition, a student of mine found Keith Chan’s Youtube videos of various primates, (Links to an external site.) these may be helpful too.Another student found this live stream of Gorillas. (Links to an external site.)
The entire nature live cam site is amazing. (Links to an external site.)

You can submit all the work here for the zoo paper.
1. text – the final essay (3 to 4 pages in length, double spaced)
2. final charts (4 of them – 2 observations, 2 captivity – see below)
3. field notes – taken during the moments you are observing
4. proof you were at the zoo or used a zoo cam or did the analysis (ticket, screen shot, weblink)
5. extra figures, photos (additional material you would like to submit)
ANTHROPOLOGY 1: Introduction to Physical Anthropology, Online Version
Written Project Assignment
Professor Connell
**VARIOUS DUE DATES (see syllabus)**

Primate Observation

One of the ways that Physical Anthropologists approach the understanding of ancient and modern human social and cultural behavior is through the study of our closest living relatives: the Primates. In this assignment, you will become a Primatologist. Your assignment is to observe at least two different Primate species at a zoo and compare their behaviors to each other and then discuss how this might help us to understand human behavior. *This quarter you will NOT go to a zoo to observe the Primates, you will use zoo cameras or video found online – this is fine, you simply have to confirm the zoo feeds and video with the professor. When I say ‘zoo’ imagine you are watching a zoo cam or video. Thanks!

You will be required to observe two different primate species for a two-hour period (you will record each primate for one hour). You may perform your observations at any zoo you would like – the closest big zoos are the San Francisco Zoo and the Oakland Zoo, however you may be able to visit Happy Hollow in San Jose (information on each of these zoos is located on the back of this sheet). Choose any twoprimate species: the S.F. and Oakland Zoos have the widest array of primates, including chimpanzees and Gorillas. I would recommend choosing two very different species for your observations. I also strongly recommend finding out when they feed the primates and/or when the primates tend to be most active –this will decrease your chances of sitting in front of a primate enclosure watching your subjects sleep for an hour!

BRING THIS PAPER AND A NOTEBOOK WITH YOU, SAVE YOUR RECEIPT [not needed – just save the link of where you were watching.]

Part I: The Observation — Field notes (20 points)
Visit a zoo and systematically record and describe the behavior of two different primate species. How do you do this?
1. Draw the cage and label where the activities are taking place, now sit out of the way and watch.
2. You should keep detailed field notes for this part of the assignment. Observe each primate species for at least one hour and describe what the animals do and how they look. Try to systematize your data collection.
C. You will have data for each primate observed. It can be a list or a rough chart that looks like the one below. You need to have the FIELD NOTES, it can be messy but it needs to have more than 15 observations for each species (around 25 is optimal). You will be required to turn in your field notes with your final paper, so be sure to take careful notes during your observations and keep them afterwards!!! Be creative with your observations – if you want to take pictures or draw maps, diagrams, etc., these may also be handed in with your final paper.

Things are happening fast, so there will be no way to observe and note everything, however if you note 30 or so elements total, then you will have a good data sat to use for the paper. Make a note of all behaviors you observe, including the individual’s range of movement within the enclosure, the nature of any interactions with other individuals, reactions to any external stimuli like loud noises or the antics of other zoo visitors, food procurement behavior, etc. In particular, you should watch for actions related to the following categories of behavior: food acquisition and sharing practices, mating strategies (i.e. monogamy, polygamy, etc.), social organization (i.e. large vs. small groups) and intelligence.

1. CAPTIVITY NOTES: Now take down some observations focusing on how you think the physical characteristics and the behavior of the primates was affected by being in captivity. This becomes important because we are trying to figure out what is something that we could see the wild or if it is something that we see because they are in a cage surrounded by humans, and are fed by humans, etc.

Part II: The Formal Chart (40 points)
Next, you are required to prepare formal charts using a computer program such as Excel or Word. Set up the observation chart exactly as you see below. Do this first before you write the rest of the paper. Each of the categories should be present in the chart and you can add a new column if you wish. Each animal should have no less than 15 observations listed. That is 2 charts of observation. You also have to make a captivity chart for each primate exactly as you see below. (so that is 2 charts of 15+ rows (25 optimal), and 2 charts of 5+ rows each)

This is the most important section of the paper. The most important column is the last column, where you state WHY you think behaviors are taking place in terms of natural selection.

Observation Chart
Primate Species Name/ID # Observation How does this trait increase fitness (the ability to survive and reproduce)
Howler Monkey – 1 Pooped in its hand and threw it at an annoying kid making noises at it Driving others away, show dominance, protect resources and territory
Howler Monkey – 1 A scream so loud it sounded like a lion, howls like its name, probably why its called that Those that communicate longer distances get more mates
Howler Monkey – 1 A loud scream Maybe a dominance thing or territoriality. I will look it up. Do the females and males both do it? Or only males?
Etc (to 15+ for each species, with 25 being optimal)

Question: How do I know what to write on the chart? First observation, should always be something easy like something physical. Column 1: Who are you observing? Column 2: Observation: These primates have five fingers, including a thumb. Column 3: The prehensile fingers allow for grasping branches which means the animals can survive in the trees, especially because they can grab branches with their feet as well.

You see, that wasn’t too hard, simply note the stuff that you see. You don’t need to focus on one animal; you could bounce around within the same species, that doesn’t matter.

Next make the captivity chart. What is the behavior that you see that captivity creates? Or changes from the wild? Note 5 things that captivity does to each of the animals. See example below.

Captivity Chart
Primate Species Name/ID # Observation How is captivity causing this, why is it taking place?
Gorilla – Silverback – 1 Sat in one place the entire hour, never moved, stared into space Captivity has created severe depression in the animal, completely affecting his behavior.
Etc (2 charts of 5+ rows each)

Part III: The Final Report Using Chart Data (40 points) – 3-4 pages maximum
After making your observations at the zoo, read back through your notes and chart: do any behavioral patterns emerge? You do this by stepping back from the notes you have taken to assess the data as an anthropologists would. Did some behaviors occur over and over? What behaviors seem to be most common and what sort of functions are they associated with (i.e. food acquisition, competition for mates, alliance building, etc.)? You have 2 animals with many behavioral and physical characteristics noted. What you need to do now is look for patterns in the data. What leaps out as significant to you in terms of comparing these two animals?
The point of the paper is to use the data from the chart – and not other data you found described elsewhere or on zoo signs..

Section 1: Introduction and Primate Descriptions (10 points)
For Section 1 of the body of your paper, describe very clearly what this paper will be doing, state the nature of your research, and finally, summarize what the research results were. In the next short paragraph write up brief descriptions of the primates you observed at the zoo, based on your field notes. Be sure to describe any interesting behaviors observed and your general impressions of the primates. This section should also include the specific location of your primate observations (Zoo name and location), the date and time of your observations, the common name of the Primates you observed (i.e. chimpanzee, lemur, etc.), and the scientific name of the species (Genus & species name). Use your own observations to describe the primates. DO NOT USE ONLINE SOURCE DESCRIPTIONS HERE.

Section 2: Primate Comparison (10 points)
Compare and contrast the behaviors of the two primates you observed. How do the behaviors of the primates differ from one another? How are they similar? In terms of evolution and natural selection, why might these differences and similarities exist? For each behavior or physical trait – you MUST interpret WHY they are the same or different. Keep referring to your chart. In particular, try to address different categories of behavior outlined above: food acquisition and sharing, mating strategies, social organization, intelligence. Try to determine if they share or don’t share ANCESTRAL TRAITS and if they do or don’t WHY.

Section 3: The Effects of Captivity (10 points)
For Section 3 of the body of your paper, reflect on the Captivity Chart that you made. What are the effects that being in captivity and on display in a zoo might have on the behaviors of the primates you observed. How “natural” do you think the behaviors you observed are? Would the primates act differently if observed in the wild? If so, can you explain why?

Section 4: Insights into Human Behavior from observations of Homo sapiens at the zoo (10 points)
Finally, for Section 4 of the body of your paper, consider what kind of insights the primate behaviors you observed might give us into human behavior, either ancient or modern. Can you identify similar patterns of behavior in humans that you see at the zoo? If so, do you think that these patterns may come about for similar reasons as in the Primates, or for different reasons? What, ultimately, can studying Primates really tell us about humans, based especially on your work as a Primatologist? Explain WHY in terms of your DATA they seem to be similar or different from each other and from Homo sapiens. Be thinking the whole time about TRAITS and DATA. Could each species share traits with humans and not with each other?

Section 5: Quick Conclusion
Wrap it up – summarize everything from the other sections. Lastly, avoid being WISHY WASHY, no professor wants to read how you were ‘transformed by this experience’ or that it was ‘really interesting’. These statements do not make it a science paper.

Paper Format and Structure
Your field notes from the zoo should be handed in as-is. These notes should be attached to your final paper as appendices (at the end However, you do need to make a nice chart of all the observations (see Part II). ). Your final paper should be written in formal academic style, with a clear introduction stating the thesis and purpose of the paper, a body broken down into the four sections outlined above in Part II, and a strong conclusion summarizing your thesis and the results of your observations. If you have not written a formal paper before or have questions about formatting, grammar, etc., I encourage you to submit a rough draft of your paper to me at least one week in advance of the due date so that I can review it and return it to you with comments and suggestions. YOU WILL BE GRADED ON YOUR SPELLING, GRAMMAR AND PAPER ORGANIZATION. PAPERS SUBMITTED WITHOUT AN INTRODUCTION OR CONCLUSION WILL AUTOMATICALLY LOSE 5 POINTS. LATE PAPERS WILL BE DEDUCTED 10 POINTS PER WEEK LATE.

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