Analyze the case study The Expansion of Human Services in Allegheny County, 1968-95, pages 145 – 164 of the text. Your written assignment analysis essay must address the following questions: 


• Explain how the case study offered support for or against the: (a) the rational model; (b) the political model; and (c) the policy process model. 

• Which elements of the three-stage Cobb and Elder model on agenda setting could you identify in the case study? 

• Explain how Kingdon’s “three streams” model of the policy process sheds light on how human service policy developed in Allegheny County. 

• Your paper must be written at the graduate level and cited properly according to Ace homework tutors – APA style guidelines. 


Your narrative should go beyond the obvious and be written at a graduate level. Your paper should be no less than 1,200 words and no more than 2,500 words. Any sources including but not limited to journals, magazine, and/or books must be properly cited using the Ace homework tutors – APA style. Click here to view the scoring rubric for the assignment. 

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