
Select an image you find particularly compelling from this week’s lectures. Ace my homework – Write about it using the related reading assignments.

This week you must choose an artwork by Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso, or Braque. (I need help writing my essay – research paper do notchoose Gauguin or any other images from the lectures.)

*******  I need help writing my essay – research paper write Paul Cézanne Still Life with Apples 1895-98 

Your analysis should use vocabulary from the lecture and reading correctly, demonstrate a grasp of the key critical ideas, and be original. Rather than summarizing the arguments of other authors, try to find a way to synthesize their ideas in your own analysis. If you quote authors, please use proper Chicago style citation (Links to an external site.). I need help writing my essay – research paper ensure that you clearly indicate the title of the artwork that you are discussing. 

******* I need personal opinions in the paper because that’s the most important point to get full credit on the paper. Focus on personal opinions. Use the materials I gave as your reference materials.


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