
After you read the PDF document attached “A Concise Introduction to Ritual” discuss in a reflection response the importance of ritual and ceremony in your everyday life (whether religious, social, or common everyday) and what, if any, performative or theatrical elements these ceremonies have.

When reflecting think of the importance of these ceremonies and rituals and how they might mirror the ideas in the reading/video and how they might differ. Ultimately, reflecting on the question of how our ceremonies and rituals are theatrical and what has theatre taken from these ceremonies and rituals and applied to the art form.

250 to 300 words.


The American College of Healthcare Executives1 owns the copyright to the ACHE Healthcare Executive Competencies Assessment Tool until 2021.

The American College of Healthcare Executives’ Healthcare Executive Competencies Assessment Tool is offered as an instrument for healthcare leaders to use in assessing their expertise in critical areas of healthcare management.

How to Use This Tool This tool can be used in several different ways to identify areas of strength and areas that may need professional skill development as well as formulating a development plan. Some examples of how this tool can be used are listed below.

• Self or organizational assessment. The tool is designed to help you identify strengths and areas for development in relation to ACHE’s competencies. It may provide valuable

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