As Director of the National Drug Control Policy, Michael Botticelli led the Obama Administration’s drug policy efforts to diminish the consequences of substance use through evidence-based prevention, treatment and recovery support services. Only one in nine people in the United States gets the care and treatment they need for addiction and substance abuse.

  1. Review the video and discuss how you think public policy might have affected the issues that Michael discusses within this presentation. 
  2. Upon completion of the video, research two current strategies being brought forward to address one of the issues Michael highlights within his presentation (from the Aids epidemic, to treatment for addiction, to healthcare, etc.).

2nd assignment


W5 Writing Assignment: Understanding the Stakeholders

large magnet with the word buy-in on it

Find an example of a stakeholder that operates at the national level in any country (a group that you think is either an interest group or part of a social movement). Using the readings and the information you located:

  1. What is the organization’s history and mission?
  2. How does the organization you have chosen try to influence policy making (what arguments and tactics does it use, persuasion, power, money—the  concepts mentioned in your readings)?
  3. On what basis does it try to convince people (including the government) to support it?

Check out my example here: National Parks Conservation Association

And look at this screengrab where you can see all of the issues they are trying to use their influence for: 

National Parks Website

The paper should be complete and polished. Proofread carefully. Make sure your grammar, punctuation, spelling, and language mechanics are well done. All papers should include a title and reference page, as well as additional theory from your readings or other sources to support your main points throughout. Papers must include citations and be written in Ace homework tutors – APA format.

 Answer the following questions in 300-500 words each (2 page minimum, 4 page maximum) and submit your responses to the instructor using the Dropbox. Your document should be in a Word document format (.doc or .docx). I need help writing my essay – research paper see the Written Assignment Rubric for further details and requirements. 

2 pages is good enough for me 

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