Category Excellent
Grade A
Very Good
Grade B
Grade C
Barely Acceptable
Grade D
(The paper utilizes proper
grammar and is free from
spelling and punctuation
10 points
The document is free
from spelling,
grammar, and
punctuation errors.
Sentence structure is
coherent and easily
The document has few
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation errors.
Alternatively /Additionally, the
sentence structure is typically
coherent and easily
The document has several
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation errors.
Alternatively /Additionally, the
sentence structure is
somewhat incoherent at times
and not always easily
The document is littered with
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation errors.
Alternatively /Additionally,
the sentence structure is
largely incoherent and not
easily understandable.
Coherent Thought and
Organization (Do you correctly
explain the law and facts and
coherently draw conclusions?)
35 points
The paper is well
organized and reflects
a strong level of
understanding of the
law and its application
to future cases.
The paper is adequately
organized and reflects a good
level of understanding of the
law and its application to
future cases.
The paper is somewhat
organized and reflects a
minimal level of understanding
of the law and its application to
future cases.
The paper lacks
organization. It fails to
demonstrate a basic
understanding of the law or
its application to future
Proper use of Legal Authority
(FIRAC) (Did you correctly FIRAC
the cases you used for support,
or tried to distinguish?)
35 points
The paper utilizes 3 or
more forms of primary
authority. Cases and
statutes are
thoroughly explored
through the
FIRAC/IRAC process.
The paper utilizes at least 2
forms of primary authority.
Cases and statutes are
adequately explored through
the FIRAC/IRAC process.
The paper utilizes at least one
primary authority. The case or
statute is somewhat explored
through the FIRAC/IRAC
The paper fails to utilize
primary authority.
Alternatively, if primary
authority is present, there is
no exploration of the
authority through the
FIRAC/IRAC process.
Accurate Bluebook Citations
(Did you correctly use Bluebook
and correctly use the citations?)
20 points
The paper shows a
mastery of citation
forms from bluebook.
References are in
proper form and
correctly placed in the
The paper shows a good
understanding of citation
forms from bluebook.
References are mostly in
proper form and/or correctly
placed in the text.
The paper shows a minimal
understanding of citation forms
from bluebook. References are
sometimes in proper form
and/or correctly placed in the
The paper shows a lack of
understanding of citation
forms from bluebook.
References are not in proper
form and/or not correctly
placed in the text.
Legal Memorandum Purpose: The purpose of the Legal Memorandum assignment is to gauge students’ understanding of the application of the law to a unique
set of circumstances to advise clients on potential outcomes. It is created to judge whether students can write effectively utilizing both their basic writing skills
and their ability to research the law. Students are critiqued on their capacity to analyze legal authority, convey their understanding of the law to their audience,
and properly cite documents through a legal citation method called Bluebook.
TCHR5010 Theory to practice: Professional Philosophy Assessment
TCHR5010 Theory to practice: Professional Philosophy Assessment TCHR5010 Theory to practice: Competency and capability of Preschoolers Assessment One: Portfolio Length: 1500 words Professional Philosophy Task 1 An educational philosophy working with preschool students is based in the policies, approaches, and the EYLF principles. However, the most important principle is that children’s lives are defined by […]