Your university is holding a fund-raiser and will be hiring a band to entertain spectators. You have been selected to serve as the event project manager and have created a Work Breakdown Structure and duration estimates for the activities involved in site preparation for the event. Construct a network activity diagram based on the following information:
- Conduct both a forward and backward pass using AON notation. What is the estimated total duration for the project?
- Identify all paths through the network. Which is the critical path?
- Which activities have slack time?
- Identify all burst activities and merge activities.
Activity II – Given the following information, answer the questions about this project:
- Draw the network as a Gantt chart.
- What is the critical path? Which activities have slack time?
- What would happen if activities B and D each took 5 extra days to complete instead of the expected duration? How would the critical path change?