ACC 403 Auditing”Evidence Collection Procedures” Please respond to the following:â¢According to an article in the CPA Journal, the auditor considers reliability of audit evidence collected and the reliability of that evidence to reduce the risk of financial statements containing undetected material errors. Compare and contrast at least two (2) types of evidence, and make a recommendation as to which you believe is the most reliable in reducing risk. Support your position.â¢From the e-Activity, analyze the primary ways in which auditors would use the information from downgrades to assess business risk or evaluate the likelihood that the downgrades would impact the auditor’s assessment of the client’s business environment. Ascertain the major ways in which this information would impact the audit risk model equation. Support your position.300 Words it’s fine..Acc 403-Auditing”Auditor’s Role and Responsibilities” Please respond to the following:â¢Compare the primary auditor objectives in auditing historical financial statements to auditing internal controls over financial reporting. Identify at least two (2) objectives that are the most significant in reducing the risk of reporting errors or misstatements in financial statements. Provide a rationale for your response.â¢Create a scenario where it would be acceptable for an external auditor to accept an audit engagement without having knowledge of a client’s business environment. Ascertain the key legal ramifications and risk mitigation strategies associated with an auditor performing the audit. Support your position.
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Using the online library and the internet, research and explore organizational strategy. Explore the websites for the following companies: Coca-Cola, Facebook, Green Mountain Roasters, Boeing. Using what you learned from your readings and research draw some conclusions and apply it to the following questions. What is the difference between an intended strategy […]