Four (4) double-spaced pages on the topic below:

Compare and contrast Aristotle’s and John Locke’s ideals of citizenship. How do these differing ideals of citizenship reflect different ideas about human flourishing—about what makes a good life? Whose vision of citizenship is more convincing, and why? Substantiate your answer with textual evidence.

Read the following before writing:

Aristotle, Politics (c. 347-322 B.C.E.), Book III:
Chapters 6-9, 11-12, 15-18, Book IV: Chapters 7-
11, Book VI: Chapters 2-3, Book VII: Chaps. 1-3,
13-14, 17, Book VIII: Chapters 1-2 (48pp.)

John Locke, Second Treatise of Government (1690),
Chapters 1-5, 7-9 Chapters 10-15, 18-19

Benjamin Constant(Attached)

Second treatise of government (1690):

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