ENGL 1121: College Writing and Critical Reading Paper 4: Researched Essay Rev. 01/04/21 For this assignment, you will write a 6-8 page essay that presents a problem, issue, or question related to the theme below;

synthesizes information from research; and develops an argument about one specific idea, understanding, or action.

This semester’s theme: Human behavior

You can approach the given theme from the perspective of your planned studies or simply your own interests. The theme

works with all majors and areas of interest. Consider the range of possibilities. Many topics in the field of psychology

would fit. But topics in other disciplines work, too. For example, you examine the issue of violent attacks on nurses and

how emergency rooms could address this; you could propose ways to motivate people who are reluctant to work out; you

could study why people order things from infomercials; you could examine why people vote (or don’t); you could analyze

why the narrator in Raymond Carver’s short story “Cathedral” is so rude to his guest; you could research how creating art

or music affects mood and behavior. The list goes on…. As long as (1) your final, narrow topic has something to do with

human behavior, (2) you can make an argument about it, and (3) you can find credible sources about it, you can write

about whatever you choose.

No matter what you choose for a topic, consider that writing a research paper is not simply doing a “report” on a pre-

existing topic. It is not about simply presenting information or locating evidence to support a pre-existing opinion.

Instead, it is about asking questions, conducting research to answer those questions, and synthesizing information to

support your conclusions. In addition, there are different types of research papers; some define or redefine an issue or

problem, some classify information, some explain a process, some compare and contrast information, some illustrate or

demonstrate, and some aim to persuade an audience to do or think something. Research papers do something. You will

do something with yours. This paper must go beyond simply providing information. It must have an argument.

Once you choose a subject, you will narrow the scope of your topic to a specific feature, angle/position, or point of

interest. You’ll use relevant source material to support your stance, and you will create a piece of academic writing that

synthesizes the works of experts, incorporates their thoughts with your own, and establishes you as an expert.

Learning Objectives

After completing this assignment, you should be able to:

• Define an appropriate scope for a writing project

• Synthesize secondary research material, correctly quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, and citing info

• Present your informed stance in a clearly stated thesis as part of a fully developed, persuasive argument

• Use a writing process to develop a piece of writing from initial idea to final, polished product

Minimum Requirements

 1,800-2,400 words  4 credible sources  A clear argument  Correct MLA writing style and documentation (in-text and Works Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d citations)

Audience: Your audience is the general academic community: educated, informed, and curious, but not expert.

Project Parts Points Due Date

Proposal and preliminary bibliography 10 ___________

Source Reading Chart 50 ___________

Detailed outline and preliminary thesis 10 ___________

3-page draft 20 ___________

Revision plan 10 ___________

Final draft (submitted in hard copy and on D2L) 100 ___________

Total points: 200


Research Project Parts and Instructions

1. Proposal, Research Question, and Preliminary Bibliography For this step, you will submit, in one document:

 2-3 substantial paragraphs describing the topic that you are proposing to research and write about (200-300 words). You should include: background and explanation of the topic, an explanation of how it fits the theme (if

necessary), why you want to write about it, why it’s important, what you already know about it, what you need to

find out, what types of sources you might find, and what challenges you see in completing the project.

 a one-sentence research question that captures the specific problem or issue you will address

 a list of 8-10 sources that you might use in your paper. You do not need to read these sources to add them to this list, but you should have looked at them closely enough to determine their relevance. List these sources in full

with all necessary bibliographic details, in correct MLA format (in essence, make a Works Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d page).

2. Source Reading Chart As you review sources and begin to read those you might use in your paper, you will summarize and evaluate them in

this step. Most of the work involved in this step is reading and note taking; the chart serves to keep you on track and

record your assessment of the sources and how useful they will be for your paper. This chart is required and must be

turned in before you begin drafting the paper.

3. Detailed Outline and Preliminary Thesis For this step, you will submit, in one document:

 a preliminary thesis statement that answers your research question and expresses what idea, understanding, or action you will argue for, based on your research and thinking so far

 a detailed outline that maps out and organizes the information you expect to include in your paper. It should be as detailed as possible, reflecting what you have learned so far, how you see your research paper taking shape, where

your sources fit in, and what additional subtopics or research you might add to fill in any gaps.

After this point, you cannot change your research topic; your paper must be on this topic.

4. First Draft Before you submit your final draft, you will complete at least one draft for peer and possibly instructor review. The

draft should be three full pages of text, plus bibliographic entries (whatever you’ve completed so far of the Works

Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d page). Your draft should represent a serious and thorough attempt at beginning and show that you understand

how to correctly synthesize source material with your own ideas. An acceptable draft must have:

 3 full pages of text

 Source material incorporated and cited in the text as appropriate

 Works Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d (for the source material you’ve included so far in the draft)

5. Revision Plan You will produce a one-page revision plan that lists what you plan to do to finish and perfect your paper, based on

your own assessment and ideas, as well as the feedback you receive from your peers and professor. These things can

be simply listed or described in paragraph form, if you wish.

Your revision plan should include:

 3 major things you plan to do as you revise your research draft (things like improve thesis, reorganize sections, strengthen transitions, add source material, add counterargument, etc.)

 5 minor things you plan to do as you revise your research draft (things like fix the running header, check and correct problems like “its” vs. “it’s,” compose a new title, etc.)

 A 200-word paragraph of reflection: What have you done well, what were your major challenges, and what have you learned about writing in college and about yourself as a writer?

6. Final Draft Use the class activities, materials, and weekly lessons on editing and proofreading, as well as the rubric on the next

two pages, to complete and polish your final research paper.


Grading Rubric for Final Draft

A paper B paper C paper D paper

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Intro and Thesis

(10 points)

Theses should be:

 Specific

 Debatable

 Of manage- able scope

 Directional (optional)

Intro sets parameters and

direction, and fully

prepares reader for thesis

Thesis is a clearly stated,

specific, easily identified


Thesis is debatable

Reflects narrow scope

and controlled focus

Intro sets direction and

adequately prepares

reader for thesis

Thesis is a clearly stated,

easily identified statement

Thesis has an

argumentative edge

Reflects a manageable

scope and focus

Intro hints at direction

and ends with thesis

Thesis is a discernible

controlling idea

Thesis has an

argumentative edge

Scope and focus could

be more controlled

Intro hints at topic and

content, but does not

prepare reader for the

essay; may leave

reader confused

Thesis hints at a

discernible controlling


Thesis is more

informational than


Scope is too broad to

be fully developed

Paragraphs & Organization

(15 points)

The three characteristics of paragraph composition:

 Unity

 Develop- ment

 Cohesion

Every paragraph

contributes to thesis

Paragraphs are clear and

of appropriate length

Topic sentences control

and shape coherent


Transitions guide reader

from one point to the


Paragraphs provide

content in logical order,

progressing through

necessary, evident stages

Conclusion mentions

significance and broader

context(s) and fully

wraps up essay

Every paragraph

contributes to thesis

Paragraphs are clear and

adequately developed

Topic sentences are used

to signal paragraph


Transitions link


Paper provides

information in logical


Conclusion gestures

toward significance and

broader context(s) and

signals end of essay

Most paragraphs

contribute to thesis;

some may not fit

Paragraphs are

generally coherent,

only occasionally

unwieldy (too long) or


Attempt at topic


Transitions are limited

or unclear in helping

the reader follow


Paragraphs could be

reordered to provide

more understandable

flow of info

Conclusion signals

end of essay

Paragraphs not clearly

relevant or tied to


Many paragraphs not

coherently organized

around one topic or

topic sentence

Paragraphs are too

short (undeveloped) or

unmanageable (too


No topic sentences

Limited or no use of


Flow of argument

seems haphazard or


Conclusion is missing,

abrupt, or repetitive

C ri

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S u

p p

o rt

Argument Development

(25 points)

Synthesize material by:

 Paraphrase

 Summary

 Quotation

Synthesizes source

material in a balanced

and effective way to

support own ideas

Shows a skilled balance

of summary, paraphrase,

and quote

Explains meaning and

significance of evidence



Foresees and responds to

audience needs

Uses source material

effectively to support own


Uses summary,

paraphrase, and quotation

Explains meaning and

significance of evidence

Attempts to address


Shows consideration of

audience needs

Uses source material

to build argument,

though may rely upon

it too much or too little

Relies too heavily on

one method of


Could explain

evidence more


Mentions possible


Shows some

consideration of

audience needs

Use of source material

is inadequate or


Shows no balance in

use of sources or no


Fails to explain

significance or

meaning of evidence

Shows no

consideration of


Neglects to respond to

audience needs



(20 points)

Minimum sources:

 4 sources total

 2 scholarly or otherwise credible

Uses credible and

persuasive sources

All major points are

supported with research


Uses mostly appropriate


Most major points are

supported with research


Sources could be


There are some gaps

in research support

Most sources not

appropriate for

academic research

Research evidence is

not used adequately to

support points

D o c .

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Source Integration & Citation

(20 points)

Each instance of source use should have:

 A signal phrase

 A correct in-text cite

 A full Works Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d entry

Integrates source

material smoothly with

signal phrases

Uses MLA style and


All in-text citations are


Works Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d page is

complete and correct

Paper format is perfect

Integrates source material

effectively with signal


Uses MLA style and


Most in-text citations are


Most Works Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d entries

are complete and correct

Paper format is correct

Some source

integration awkward

or unclear

Uses MLA style and


In-text citations

contain some errors

Works Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d entries

are missing or contain


Paper format is correct

Multiple problems

with source integration

Uses MLA style and


In-text citations are


Works Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d is

incomplete or


Paper format incorrect

S ty

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W ri

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g C

o n

v e

n ti o

n s

Writing Style, Grammar, and Errors (10 total)

1. Sentence Strength & Style (5 points)

2. Grammar and Errors (5 points)

Clear sentences are

structurally correct

Tone is appropriately


Employs third-person

point of view

Typos and errors are


Clear sentences with few

structure problems

Tone is appropriate

Employs third-person

point of view

Typos are minimal or so

limited as not to disrupt

readability in any major


Clear sentences with

occasional structure


Tone may be too

informal at times

Strays into casual use

of 1st or 2nd person

Typos are noticeable

and may occasionally

disrupt readability

Sentences lack clarity,

impeding meaning;

frequent structure


Tone is too informal

Inappropriate use of 1st

or 2nd person

Typos are so

numerous as to

damage the writer’s


Papers that fail to achieve minimum standards receive a grade of F.


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Ace My Homework
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