Reflection Essay Instructions
Case Study 04
• Due Date: In the Drop Box by 11:59PM Sunday 10 October.
• Read Case 04 “Costco”. You will find the Case in Part 2 of your Text Book beginning on page C-26. The case is also posted in your Homework Section.
• I want you to write a reflection essay regarding the case (minimum 400 words).
• I recommend that you read the Case three times. The first time through just read the Case – don’t highlight or take notes. The second time through start taking a few notes. The third time through try to identify the key concepts the author(s) are trying to emphasize.
• Do not tell me what the Case says. I have read it many times. I want to know what you think about what the Case says. Please tell me in your own words using complete sentences:
o Was the read worthwhile – why?
o Would you share it at work – why?
o Would you recommend it to your co-workers and team leaders? Why?
o What concepts are key to the Case (list them).
o How would you apply these concepts in the real business world?
o What was your most important takeaway after reading the Case?
o What was unclear or still “muddy” after reading the Case?
o Tell me about at least one Costco Concept that you would consider making a part of who you are as you develop your strategic management skills.