2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers OnlineLab4 4/10/18, 10(14 pm
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My LMS Subjects > 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online-CSE3MQR(BU-2)/CSE5MQR(BU-2) > 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers OnlineLab > 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers OnlineLab4
Started on Thursday, 4 October 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online, 10:08 AM
State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 4 October 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online, 7:34 PM
Time taken 9 hours 26 mins
The input_Sights module
To Vnd McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is calculated by V = 1+d – m where m stands for D-primes
Input _Sights
Decision Point
if 1
for 1
Total Decision
v = 1+d-m
where d = 2
In the given Vle there is goto statement which is dependent on the both decision points
therefore m =0;
v = 1+d – m
= 1+2-0
v = 3.
The McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is 3.
Marked out of 3.00
2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers OnlineLab4 4/10/18, 10(14 pm
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The Quicksort module
To Vnd McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is calculated by V = 1+d – m where m stands for D-primes
Decision Points Total
if 1+1
Total Decic=sion Point 2
v = 1+d-m
where d = 2
In the given Vle there is goto statement which is dependent on only one decision points
therefore m =1;
v = 1+d – m
= 1+2-1
v = 2.
The McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is 2.
Marked out of 3.00
2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers OnlineLab4 4/10/18, 10(14 pm
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The Vnd_pivot module
To Vnd McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is calculated by V = 1+d – m where m stands for D-primes
Decision Points Total
case 1+1+1
for 1
if 1+1+1+1+1+1
Total Decision Point 10
v = 1+d-m
where d = 10
In the given Vle there is goto statement which is dependent on only one decision points
therefore m =9;
v = 1+d – m
= 1+10-9
v = 2.
The McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is 2.
Marked out of 3.00
2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers OnlineLab4 4/10/18, 10(14 pm
https://lms.latrobe.edu.au/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=7481893 Page 4 of 6
The partition module
To Vnd McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is calculated by V = 1+d – m where m stands for D-primes
Decision Points Total
while 1+1+1+1+1+1+1
if 1+1+1
Total Decision Point 10
v = 1+d-m
where d = 10
In the given Vle there all are independent to each other.
therefore m =10;
v = 1+d – m
= 1+10-10
v = 1.
The McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is 1.
Marked out of 3.00
2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers OnlineLab4 4/10/18, 10(14 pm
https://lms.latrobe.edu.au/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=7481893 Page 5 of 6
The query-Sights module
To Vnd McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is calculated by V = 1+d – m where m stands for D-primes
Decision Points Total
while 1
if 1
Total Decision Point 2
v = 1+d-m
where d = 2
In the given Vle there is goto statement which is dependent on only one decision points
therefore m =1;
v = 1+d – m
= 1+2-1
v = 2.
The McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is 2.
Marked out of 3.00
2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers OnlineLab4 4/10/18, 10(14 pm
https://lms.latrobe.edu.au/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=7481893 Page 6 of 6
The print_Vnds module
To Vnd McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is calculated by V = 1+d – m where m stands for D-primes.
Decision Points Total
case 1
while 1+1+1+1
Total Decision Point 5
v = 1+d-m
where d = 5
In the given Vle there all are independent to each other.
therefore m =5;
v = 1+d – m
= 1+5-5
v = 1.
The McCabe essential cyclomatic complexity metric is 1.
Marked out of 3.00

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Ace Tutors
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