Your key objective is to integrate your subject knowledge
inclcuding the set of digital marketing models, strategies, tactics, and values to generate a thoughtful and successful IDM plan.
Your plan must attempt to raise awareness and generate interest in your client’s product/service, and you may structure the plan to
target any segment, geographic focus, etc. using a variety of digital media strategies. Importantly, however,
you must include tools to monitor your campaign and to measure its digital impact (e.g., YouTube likes, Facebook comments, Twitter retweets, blog mentions, and so on.).
The solutions provided should show creativity while being feasible.
Be as precise as you can about the type of information sources used in your project, the data generated from these sources, the analytical tools used to extract marketing “insights” from the data, the transformation of the insights into strategic elements, and the expected business outco
mes from an execution of the integrated
(traditional + digital) marketing strategy.
1. Introduction
Briefly describe the current business mission, strategy and operations of your client, the industry in
which the company operates, industry trends, major competitors, client strengths and weaknesses in relation to major competitors, macro environmental threats and opportunities and current digital presence
Write a page paper – Describe the marketing strategy of the client in terms of current product/service offerings, the target markets to which these are directed, customer segments and value propositions, and the product/service positioning strategies being used to deliver the value propositions to customer segments.
2. Integrated (traditional + digital) Marketing Strategy (approximately
2 pages)
Based on (IIa) and (IIb) above, identify the primary marketing challenge (justified by the Audit from Assessment #1) being faced by the client and any gut level
(a.k.a., “managerial judgment”)
recommendations you may have about how the marketing challenge could be addressed.
Summarise your justification for changing your client’s marketing strategy to achieve digital integration by retargeting marketing effor
ts, redefining customer segments, repositioning product/service offerings, and/or changing value propositions. Identify specific changes being proposed in product, price, channel, and promotion strategies through digital transformation
3. Digital Marketin
Write a page paper – Describe your proposed digital marketing plan in detail. For each item or activity listed, discuss how it will help achieve the client’s marketing
strategy, address the marketing challenge you’ve identified, and
capitalise on any new marketing opportunities that are related to the challenge.
Recommend a
menu of digital “assets” (i.e., tools) to use in developing your digital marketing plan aslisted below. Bear in mind that not all these items may apply to the marketing challenge you seek to address and/or be useful for achieving digital integration
Use your judgement in selecting the digital assets to use, including making selections from items covered in the course as well as those you
highlighted in Assessment #2. These can include:
Search Ad Campaign
Social Media Marketing
Mobile marketing
Email marketing
Content marketing
4. Conclusion and Final Recommendations
Use this section to summarise the highlights of your digital marketing plan
5. Appendices (no page limit)
Include here references, figures and tables, and citations to all other supporting materials. Please number
these materials so that you can reference them at the appropriate location in your r