NURS 6565: Quality and Cost Measurements




As nurse practitioners continue to expand their role in delivering health care, it is imperative for NPs to provide the data and evidence to demonstrate the impact of NP care on patient outcomes. There are several challenges that advanced practice nurses face to provide quality care and meet productivity goals of an organization. This week it is important to explore the connection of quality care and performance measures. Some questions to consider as we discuss this topic are:


Why are quality measures important?


What is the difference between quality measures and performance indicators?


What performance measures are used for NP productivity?


Why are incentive plans used in clinical organizations?


To prepare:


Read the article, An Incentive Plan for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: Impact on Provider and Organizational Outcomes, by Catherine A. Rhodes, Mavis Bechtle, and Molly McNett (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service), ,  Buppert , C. 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service Measuring Nurse Practitioner Performance and other articles provided


Explore quality measures and identify at least one clinical performance measure, such as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)


To Complete


Post 1 to 2 pages on :  An explanation of the importance of quality measures using the clinical performance measure you identified as an example.


 Then, identify the performance measures used for NP productivity in Rhodes, Bechtle, and McNett (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service) article.


Finally, share your opinion on incentive payment for care, including external motivators and at least one business model.






Rhodes, C. A., Bechtle, M., & McNett, M. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). An Incentive Plan for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: Impact on Provider and Organizational Outcomes. Nursing Economics, 33(3), 125-131.


Buppert, C. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Measuring Nurse Practitioner Performance. In Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide (5th ed.) (469 – 478). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.


Hain, D., & Fleck, L. M. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Barriers to NP practice that impact healthcare redesign. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(2).


Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M. F., & O’Grady, E. T. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Evidence-Based Practice. In Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach (5th ed.) (237-262). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.


Stanik-Hutt, J., Newhouse, R. P., White, K. M., Johantgen, M., Bass, E. B., Zangaro, G., . . . Weiner, J. P. (2013). The Quality and Effectiveness of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 9(8), 492-500. doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2013.07.004




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