This assignment is on your accurate knowledge and understanding of course materials from
Modules 7-10 of this course, not general knowledge, or knowledge gained in other
classes. Importantly, to pass the assignment you must demonstrate a substantive and
comprehensive understanding and application of the required course materials (readings and
lectures) from Modules 1-5 in each of your responses.
Where instructions, or the questions themselves, ask you to document and demonstrate with
your course materials, or for evidence and/or examples from your course materials, they are
referring to materials from Modules 7-10 ONLY.
Substantive (meaning it clearly demonstrates you understood the content of the lectures and
read and understood the required readings) use of a minimum of 3 DIFFERENT REQUIRED
READINGS (1 unique reading per question as a minimum) is required to be considered
for a passing grade. Keep in mind this is the minimum to be considered for a passing grade. In
addition, you may also draw on any of the supplementary materials and other required readings
from Modules 7-10 that you find useful or relevant in framing and demonstrating your
I need help writing my essay – research paper answer your chosen questions in full sentences and paragraph form, documenting and
demonstrating your arguments with evidence and examples from your course materials.
Wherever relevant please refer directly to theorists, readings, supplementary sources and/or
Responses that copy material from any source, course (slides, required or
supplementary readings, etc.), or otherwise (other students’ work, any outside sources,
including books, articles, note-sharing sites or any other on or offline source), or from a
classmate, will receive an automatic 0 on that question at a minimum.
Any quote from a required reading or any other source must be indicated with quotation
marks, and appropriately cited including page numbers. Paraphrasing should be your
preferred method, but even paraphrases summarizing several pages must include accurate
page numbers. Make your arguments drawing on your knowledge of course materials from
Modules 7-10 only to inform, document and demonstrate.
I need help writing my essay – research paper remember assignments that do not include accurate page numbers with all
citations will not pass.
Your answer to each question should respond to all parts of that question and be
approximately 400 – 600 carefully chosen words in length (word allotments are guidelines
only, not rigid requirements).
Do not worry about including introductions or conclusions – use your space to effectively
address your questions, make your arguments, document with evidence, and demonstrate with
examples from your Module 7-10 course materials to make your points. Do not waste time and
space on rhetoric. Using an example to demonstrate your response means precisely
explaining how it is an example, not just naming it as such.
Indicate which readings you are using in the body of your response by the author or
authors of the article itself, date and page numbers only. It is not necessary to include the
date on chapters from Ugwudike (just abbreviate as U and page number/s, i.e., (U 26-27), or on
any supplementary articles from The Sage Handbook (but they do have to be identified by the
author or authors, not the editors of the collected volume). Also, do not cite authors cited within
your authors’ articles except ‘as framed by,’ ‘as summarized by,’ or ‘quoted in’ (e.g., (Merton
1973, 26 as summarized in Agnew & Brezina, 99)). You are getting them as secondary sources
(not original) so should indicate them as such.
Do not cite lectures. As discussed in class it is not a valid form of citation since it is not
replicable or verifiable, and in actual practice, students may get aspects wrong at times.
Repeating the question or writing out titles of articles, chapters or books will hurt your final mark.
Simply refer to articles by their author with appropriate citation information. Indicate which
question you are responding to by number only and readings by author, date, and page
numbers (or ‘U’ and page number for the text). However, it is acceptable to use words or
phrases from the questions to help you frame and organize your response.
It is not necessary to include a reference page – your in-text citations with page numbers
are what counts.
In evaluating your responses primary emphasis will be placed on your accurate understanding
and application of relevant course materials from modules 1-5 including required readings,
lectures, audio-visual and supplementary materials. Your written work will be graded for
inclusion and organization of relevant course materials (including appropriate citation), clarity of
expression, accuracy, and relevance of content. Poorly written work will be penalized.
I need help writing my essay – research paper answer any 3 of the following questions as thoroughly and accurately as possible
in the time and space
allotted. Use only module 7-10 course materials (minimum of 1 unique required reading
per response) to frame and demonstrate your arguments.
1. According to left realism how is the working class the victim of crime from all directions? Does
left realism fully address the nature and scope of this victimization? Explain how it does, and
how not, drawing on your course materials to frame and demonstrate your argument in full.
2. Does Critical Realism offer an epistemological alternative to allow criminologists to develop
post-empiricist or realist informed research strategies? How and/or how not? Explain and
demonstrate in full, with examples from your course materials.
3. Using examples from your course materials outline what you see as the most significant
contributions of feminist criminology to our understanding of harm, crime, and victimization.
Feel free to draw on any of your course materials from modules 7-10 to help you frame and
demonstrate your argument.
4. Using examples from your course materials explain and demonstrate how according to crimes of
the powerful theorists “crime is constructed and responded to in ways that reflect capitalist
5. How does Green or Cultural Criminology open and broaden our understanding of harm, crime,
criminalization, and victimization? Explain, document, and demonstrate in full.
6. Drawing on your course materials (including audiovisual) explain and document how, according
to critical race theory and or decolonial criminology, racism was made, and continues to be, a
normal feature of social relations in contemporary capitalist society.
7. Which contemporary penal theory, or combination of penal theories, do you find the most useful
for understanding our contemporary issues of criminalization, governmentality, power,
punishment, surveillance and/or incarceration? Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss, document, and demonstrate with
examples from your course materials explicitly how your chosen perspective illuminates our
understanding of the contemporary state’s penal response. This is the same assignment structure as the last one.

The course is about criminological theories. Attached below you will find the readings to be used as sources. I need help writing my essay – research paper do not use any external sources other than the readings attached. I do not need a bibliography. However, In-text citations are a must. When in text citing, please add page numbers and the letter “U” as the author’s name for the Ugwudike textbook. No date needed.

I have also attached the instructions for this assignment. To summarize, choose the 3 of the 7 questions you prefer found at the bottom of the instructions document. Each question should be answered with more than 400 words. No need for introductions and conclusions, I am simply looking for the answer itself. There are additional readings that can be added as sources. However, once you choose the questions you prefer to answer, please let me know and I can try to provide the additional readings if needed.

You will also find the notes for each module. I need help writing my essay – research paper do not cite them as they are simply there if you need any additional clarification for any of the modules.

I need help writing my essay – research paper make it clear as to which questions you are choosing.

Readings from Ugwudike Textbook (Other readings are attached):

Module 7:

Ugwudike, P. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Left Realism: Criticism From Within? In An Introduction

to Critical Criminology, 123-140

Ugwudike, P. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Feminist Critiques. In An Introduction to Critical

Criminology, 141-166

Module 8:

Ugwudike, P. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Critical Perspectives on the Crimes of the Powerful. In

An Introduction to Critical Criminology, 169-190

Module 9:

Ugwudike, P. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Cultural Criminology. In An Introduction to Critical

Criminology, 203-219.

Ugwudike, P. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Critical Race Theory. In An Introduction to Critical

Criminology, 221-238

Module 10:

Ugwudike, P. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Punishment and Control. In An Introduction to Critical

Criminology, 241-273

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