Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Post Guidelines:

Each post should be about 250-400 words in length. Original post (Group B) due Weds 9/30 at midnight Response (Group C) due Friday 10/2 at midnight.

Your posts should reflect your thoughts about the reading, so do not feel pressure to follow a set format. If you feel unsure about how to approach writing a post, try one of the following.

  • Identify a passage/image from the reading that you find important. Ace my homework – Write about your reaction and analyze the passage/image.
  • Make a connection between two passages or materials we have studied. How and why do you think these connect?
  • Pose a question that you would like us to discuss as a class. (Avoid ‘fact-based’ questions that can easily be answered with a Google search.) What part/s of the reading for today made you think about this question? How do you think the question relates to the themes we are exploring this week?
  • Answer a question that has come up in lecture or section. What do you think? How do you explain your answer?
  • Make a connection between the texts we read this week and another reading or material that you have encountered in a different class. How do you think these connect? Why do you think this connection is important?

About responding to others: Debate and disagreement on readings are very much encouraged in this forum, since differing viewpoints allows us as a class to think critically about Dante’s work. Intellectual debate is what literary analysis is all about.  Just make sure when responding to a classmate you are doing so respectfully and backing up your points with evidence from the text.

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Ace Tutors
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