Complete the required reading for the week and respond to the following question. The response should be at least 200-300 words in length, reflect knowledge and comprehension of the subject, and include specific reference (with proper APA citation) to the assigned reading to be effective. Do a word count and type it at the bottom of your assignment (see bottom right of editor window for your word count). Review the Discussion Rubric for detailed information on grading this assignment: Discussion Rubric

Lesson Four Question: Using the texts and readings from this week, briefly discuss some of the personality traits of a guerrilla marketing leader. Describe at least two traits that you would like to incorporate into your leadership style, compare those two traits with what you see as your strengths, and then explain how the two traits will strengthen your overall leadership skills. Look back at the “Evaluating Personality Traits” self-assessment from Lesson One and rate yourself against these 12 traits. PowerPoint Slide: Guerrilla Marketer’s Personality

Open the discussion and select Create Thread to post your reflection. Incorporate one reference to this week’s reading,  using proper citation, and include the word count at the end of your post.

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