Research proposal (individual)
Weight: 50%
Due: 6pm 7th of October)
Length: No more than 3300 words (excluding appendices and reference list)
Task: Create a research proposal
The research proposal should set out a realistic plan for research by a student in a 12-week period. The research proposal recommends a research project on a topic you have identified. The introduction to your research proposal (i.e. assessment 1, amended) should be your starting point.
The proposal should include a background, definition of the problem, and justification for the research with support from quality academic literature (i.e. journal articles).
The aims of the study and the information required to answer/resolve the research question should be included and ethical issues must be addressed.
Two appropriate methods for data collection should be proposed together with a developed research instrument such as a questionnaire or interview schedule for each (including a relevant participant information sheet(s)).
The research instruments, participant information sheet and a timeline for the proposed research should all be included in the appendix.
The appendix is NOT part of the wordcount.
Please do NOT collect any research data
The Research Proposal should be no more than 3300 words (including the corrected and revised introduction from Assessment 1). The report should reference a minimum of eight (8) refereed academic journal articles on the topic, academic references for the methodology, together with other references. The report should be presented in an appropriate format (see the textbook and format below).
Students are encouraged to ensure their Originality Report does not exceed 15%. Please note it is not an issue if your originality score is high due to a table of contents or your reference list.
Please see Appendix A for the marking criteria.
Further information:
Your research proposal should include the following sections:
Introduction: Include the background, introduction, justification for the research/nature of the problem/issue. This section should reflect your considerations and decisions you completed in the initial stages of your research. You could include information regarding steps 1, 2 and 6 that are a part of the “typical research plan” we discussed in weeks 1 and 2. In this section you are setting the context (the environment in which the research is situated) including any initial literature review which may have been involved. You should include appropriate references
Literature review: Critically review and analyse literature and secondary data, which informs your chosen topic. Students should draw primarily on refereed journal articles, textbooks and other relevant sources (secondary data, popular press, on-line sites and others) that are specifically relevant to your area of interest. A minimum of 10 sources must be used to develop the literature review including at least eight (8) refereed journal articles. Only use websites that are reputable and authoritative, such as government, corporate or organisational sites (do not use Wikipedia or any similar encyclopaedic or dictionary resource).
Secondary data: Students are also required to present and interpret secondary data that is relevant to their chosen topic. Secondary data could be used to support or elaborate upon arguments presented in the review of literature.
For example, if you are interested in the performing arts you can use the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data that provides detailed reviews of participation in cultural activities.
Once the data source is selected you are required to formulate suitable tables and figures that summarise the most notable features of the data. These data sources will be examined in the relevant lectures.
Students must use a minimum of one figure and one table to inform understanding of their topic area.
The table and figure/graph should display two different pieces of information, not just the same piece of data shown two different ways.
Ensure that all tables and figures are numbered sequentially (e.g. “Figure 1: …….”), given titles, clearly referenced (identifying the source of the data), and are directly referred to in the body of the report (e.g. “as Figure 1 identifies…”).
Do not copy figures directly from another source into the report. There are no marks for cutting and pasting!
Students are required to find, catalogue and present data from a secondary data source using Microsoft Excel or a similar program.
Method: In this section, you need to discuss how you recommend relevant data should be collected to answer your research question/s. You should include two (2) possible, different research methods and appropriate references. You need to be clear why particular methods are chosen (i.e. justify your recommendations, include both benefits and limitations), how samples or subjects should be selected and why, and what data collection instruments should be used. You are required to develop the instruments and include them in an appendix. One method should be a survey questionnaire.
This section should provide sufficient information that someone else could read this section and conduct the research on your behalf.
Appearance: The words in your proposal are important. The appearance of your proposal is also important. Here are some tips.
• Include the word count at the end of your report;
• Include page numbers at the bottom of each page;
• Use 1.5 line spacing, 2.5 cm margins on top, bottom and each side, left-justified and Times New Roman font size 12;
• There is no need to use colour printing, formatting templates, plastic, fancy or bound covers when submitting your report;
• Marks will be deducted for violations of these presentation rules.
Writing style: The essay should be written in formal academic narrative style. The essay will be evaluated for discriminatory language, clarity of expression and overall presentation including grammar, spelling and punctuation. Do not use casual language. Headings may be used sparingly. An executive summary is not required. Reports must be fully and appropriately referenced using Harvard author – date, in – text referencing. Substantial marks will be deducted for inadequate or incorrect referencing.
Submission and Late Penalties: Late penalties will apply as set out in the subject outline. Assignments not received by the due date will be penalised at a rate of 10% of the base mark given per day, unless an extension has been approved and supporting documentation has been provided.
Extensions: Students wishing to apply for Special Consideration must apply in advance of the due date using the procedure in the subject outline. It is highly unlikely that an extension will be granted to any student for this assignment as the requirements and instructions are known from the beginning of the semester.
Format of a research proposal
A basic outline you may use as a guide is provided below.
I. Introduction
A. Background
B. Justification for the research and background to the problem
C. Hypothesis or research question
II. Literature review (i.e. A review of the research other people have conducted)
A. Importance of the question being asked
B. Current status of the topic
C. Relationship between the literature and the research you propose
D. Summary, including a restatement of the relationships between the important variables under consideration and how these relationships are important to the hypothesis or research question proposed in the introduction
III. Method (i.e. how you would collect data to answer your research question)
Proposed method 1
A. Participants (including a description and selection procedures)
B. Research design
C. Data collection plans
Proposed method 2
A. Participants (this might be the same as above)
B. Research design
C. Data collection plans
IV. Implications and limitations
V. Reference list
VI. Appendices
A. Copies of instruments that you have proposed
B. Participant permission form/information sheet
C. Timeline
Appendix A
Criteria Needs More Effort
Z Good Effort
P C Great Effort
Applies innovative problem-solving processes to address industry issue with reference to relevant literature (minimum 8 academic references) (30%)
Includes – Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – secondary data, which is relevant to the topic (minimum 1 graph and 1 table) (10%)
Proposes an appropriate and well justified research design including two appropriate methods for data collection including a timeline for the proposed research (20%)
Crafting of research instrument using appropriate technology where applicable (20%)
Presents the report in a professional manner (spelling, grammar, punctuation, referencing, logical sequencing, word length, report format) (20%)
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