Due Fri Oct 26 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online at Midnight
Released on 17/9/2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online, to be finalised on 8/10/2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online,
1. This Final Project (Assignment 2) is worth 25% of the total unit assessment.
2. Students are to complete their project in groups of no more than two people. It is each group member’s
responsibility to maintain their group activities. In the rare case of one group member becoming
seriously ill or uncontactable or not responding, the other member should consider forming a different
group or working on his or her own for the project. As in real life, everyone should have a contigency
plan, or Plan B.
3. It is each student’s own responsibility to form a group of no more than 2 people for their assignment 2,
that is, for this final project. Should any student not yet able to find a project partner, he or she should
advertise their availability on the student communication board. Students not putting up a request for
partnership on this Student Communication Board will be considered as either having already found a
project partner, or not looking for a project partner at all. By Mon Oct 08 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online (week 11),
students must complete the matter of project partnership, or have their partnership
requests placed on the above mentioned student communication board.
4. The development and delivery of a major project in a timely manner is an important indicator on the
success of the project. As such, the deadlines for this final project need to be observed, and any late
submissions need to be approved before the corresponding due dates.
5. Let the unit coordinator know if you have any comments on this project so that he can have this
document amended before its finalisation on the date specified in the above title section.
1. For this final project, you are required to develop a Video Library System in Java for a video
library, so that the system can be used to facilitate the borrowing and the management of the videos the
library keeps. A video record should contain at least a video number and its corresponding video title,
a flag indicating if the video is currently available for borrowing, and a borrower number and the
corresponding borrower name if the video is currently being borrowed. Although the functionalities of
the video library system are open to the students’ individual design, the system should be mainly
menu­driven with the main menu options somewhat similar to, but not limited to,
Add new video to the system
Borrow video
Modify video record
Delete video record
Search video
Report of available videos
and the navigation among the video records should also be possible, perhaps through additional
options on the main menu, or on a submenu, somewhat similar to
Current video
Next video
Previous video
2. This project is semi­open in that students are expected to have their own design and/or additional
capacity to enrich their final software product. External file or files are also expected to be utilised
for the storing the video records. In particular, when the video library system starts, it should first load
the existing videos from the data file/s which should also contain at least 3 video records.
3. It is up to each student group to decide how to design and implement their Video Library System.
4. The final Project Report must be written to include, among all the other relevant matters, the
following aspects.
The main functionalities, along with the demonstrating examples and screen shots if pertinent.
The design of your user interface and how it impacts on the user experience with your product.
How and where you made use of the paradigm of object­oriented programming, if any.
The most advanced 3 (or more) Java technical aspects, in your opinion, you have made use of in
the development of your Video Library System.
Brief conclusion and reflection on your experience in completing this project.
We note that your project should aim at top quality as much as possible. Your end­product, the Video Library
System, will be judged on the achieved functionalities, the look and feel, the design methodology (e.g. ad
hoc versus systematic), and the use of advanced features such as object orientation and exception handling.
You should cite your design and technical evidence in your Final Report on the quality of your developed
software system.
Final project report and all the Java programs
Class presentation: live demonstration (5­8 minutes) ­ during the normal class time of the
final teaching week, week 14.
Students must separately upload their compiled Java programs (all compiled class files and data files
should be included), before the presentation day, in a single zip file under the name 12345678­
livecode.zip where “12345678” should be replaced by their own student number/s. Students will
only be allowed to use this uploaded zip file for the live demonstration.
The presentation will have to strictly observe the time restriction. Any time loss due to the students’ ill
preparation will be included as part of the presentation. As such, students are highly recommended to
copy their complete and compiled project on their own USB stick and test running their project demo
on the USB stick on their own beforehand so as to ensure the smoothness of your code demonstration
in class. The presentation should also
state first who you are, and who your partner is
give a very short description (one­liner) on what features you program has implemented;
demonstrate the most competitive features of your program earlier than the other less significant
avoid lengthy data entry during the live demo, by preloading the data files with sufficient
suitable records.
The performance on the live demonstration/presentation will be counted towards the final project
marks in terms of the programming basics and crashes, bugs, and robustness aspects of the
Code authentication ­ Some students may be required to meet the unit coordinator in person to
authenticate their work for the final project, i.e. the Java code they wrote for this project, to
demonstrate they authored the whole work themselves apart from the parts declared in their
submission as having been obtained elsewhere. While we expect very few students (if any at all)
would be called upon to perform this code authentication, failure to meet this requirement by the
relevant students within 7 days from issuing the request for the authentication may lose up to 25% of
the marks for the coding.
Marking ­ It is important that students’ submitted work be their own work, and no part of their Java
programs should come from other students’ work. If any code resources or program components from
the Internet or elsewhere are made use of, such a use must be explicitly acknowledged in the
submission to avoid any plagiarism suspicion. The marking will also monitor the differences between
the skills shown in the previous assessments, especially those in the In­Class Tests, with the
programming skills and maturity manifested in the final project.
A pre­submission of all the work must be made before or on Tue Oct 23 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online. This presubmission
should contain all the work you have up to the submission time, and should follow the
usual submission procedure. Although this pre­submission will not be given any marks per se, as its
purpose is to illustrate the intermediate stage of the student project development and to allow marker/s
better prepared for marking the final presentation, fail to complete the pre­submission may however
lead to a loss of up to 25% of the total marks of this project.
The submission should contain the Final Project Report and all the relevant Java source code in a
directly compilable format.
The submitted Java programs should be directly compilable and runable without the use of any Java
IDE (such as Netbeans or Eclipse), although students are free to develop their project system with any
Java IDE they may choose. That is, your submitted Java code should be directly compilable via javac
YourJavaProg.java in the subdirectory where your Java program YourJavaProg.java is kept, and
your Java programs should be runnable under the JDK installed on the same lab/s to which this unit is
scheduled. Uncompilable Java programs may lead to an automatic loss of 50% of the respective
total marks.
Zip (don’t use the rar compression format) all the relevant files into a single zip file, and then upload it
via the submit button on the unit website. it’s each student’s responsibility to keep the submission
receipt which will be automatically generated after each successful submission. When making a
submission, enter your assignment partner’s email address into the field RECEIPT EMAIL on the
submission page so that your partner will be aware of whether you have submitted your work in a
timely manner. The submission receipt will also be emailed to the submitter’s student account
automatically upon a successful submission.

Published by
Ace Tutors
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