A  new process for producing synthetic diamonds can be operated at a  profitable level only if the average weight of the diamonds produced by  the process is greater than 0.5 karat. To evaluate the profitability of  the process, a sample of six diamonds was generated using this new  process, with recorded weights .46, .61, .52, .48, .57, and .54 karat.  Do the six measurements present sufficient evidence to indicate that the  average weight of the diamonds produced by the new process is in excess  of 0.5 karat? To answer this question conduct an appropriate test of  hypothesis using the five step process outlined in our textbook and  utilized in the solutions to the Chapter 8 review problems, which can be  accessed via the link in the Assignments, Tests & Quizzes  sub-section in the weekly lesson that can be found in the Lessons  section of our classroom.
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