ACC30008 Accounting Theory
Semester 2, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online, Hawthorn
Assignment Information Sheet
Individual Assignment
(25% + 5% bonus for participating in at least 3 of 4 different
LAS Study Smarter Workshop sessions in July/August 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online)
Assignment Due Thursday 27 September, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online, 8.00pm
through Turnitin -2000 Words
Topic 3 of ACC30008 Accounting Theory covers many theories that are used in the business
literature. Choose any two (2) of the theories and identify four (4) quality* scholarly accounting
research articles that adopt at least one of your chosen theories and that was published during 2017.
Make sure that at least one of your chosen theories is used in at least two of your four articles
(some articles use more than one theory).
In a Report to a sole accounting practitioner who has never heard of ‘accounting theories’, explain
the relevance of each of the two theories to the subject matter (as appropriate) of each of the four
articles and to the findings of the research conducted that you examine.
Write your Report in a way likely to capture the sole practitioner’s interest and not merely as a
sequential descriptive listing of each study. The steps involved in this task are presented below
for clarification:
Step 1: Choose two theories (refer Topic 3)
Step 2: Search the Swinburne Library databases (e.g. Business Source Complete) for quality*
accounting journal articles (dated 2017) that adopt one or both of your chosen theories until you
have four (4) such articles (at least two for each theory).
Step 3: Write your Report for the intended audience, explaining each theory and how it is relevant
to the study described in the article and its findings, integrating your narrative where possible so
that you do not just create a list of the studies. (Hint: skip the statistics [unless you are expert in
statistics] and use the article’s narrative to understand what the research did and its findings.)
*Refer Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) journal rankings available for download at
Two Alternative Ways to Earn Bonus Marks for the Unit
You can earn 5 ‘bonus’ marks by attending at least three of the four different Learning and
Academic Skills (LAS) Study Smarter workshop sessions (see separate file for information about
times) offered in Weeks 1-4 of second semester 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online, and having your name recorded at those
Alternatively, if you are unable to attend LAS Study Smarter sessions, you can attempt
Application Question (AQ) 1.10 (limit to 750 words), page 26 Rankin et al. 2nd Ed. (Wiley) to a
satisfactory standard, choosing research articles that are NOT directly relevant to the Assignment
topic and submit through Turnitin (separate facility) by 5.00pm Wednesday 29th August, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online to
earn 5 bonus marks. Feedback will be provided in time to inform your submission of the
Assignment if this alternative is chosen. The rationale for this opportunity to earn bonus marks is
to encourage a higher standard of writing than often is received for the Assignment in this Unit.
Please Note: No student can receive more than 100% even with bonus marks, and ONE only of
the choices above will be eligible for bonus marks.
Additional writing assistance
Students wishing to improve their report writing skills are encouraged to engage with both
alternatives above if they wish to be provided with assistance and feedback before submission of
the Assignment. Please note that Class Leaders will not read drafts of the actual Assignment.
However, practicing on a report of a similar nature but on a different topic from the actual
Assignment, using AQ 1.10 as the basis, is welcome in order to build skills and receive feedback.
Such attempts (up to 1500 words) can be submitted through Turnitin (separate facility) between
Thursday 2nd August-Monday 20th August 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online and feedback will be provided in time to inform
submission of the actual Assignment. Practice reports will be marked in order of receipt, so the
earlier you submit the earlier you will receive feedback.
Scholarly Journal Articles
Some students find reading scholarly journal articles very difficult. YouTube clips that help with
this can be found on Canvas under ‘Assignments’. Additionally, prior semester’s assignment
requirements and exemplar assignments are available on Canvas. Writing support materials are
also available on Canvas. Remember that it is the journal titles that are listed in the ABDC list,
not the articles. You need to make sure that the title of the journal(s) in which the articles you
want to use are published are on the ABDC list. It is suggested that you find relevant articles first,
using the Ebscohost Library Database, identify the journal title from which the article comes and
then make sure this journal title appears on the ABDC list. This list is a way of ensuring that the
articles you choose come from peer reviewed, scholarly journal titles.
Learning outcomes addressed by the assignment.
The assignment is designed to provide you with the opportunity to develop the following learning
1 with regard to your accounting theory knowledge, the assignment provides you with the
opportunity to develop your understanding and ability to apply several topics included in
the Unit;
2. with respect to generic skills, the assignment provides you with the opportunity to develop
your ability to research and analyse complex issues, to formulate well-reasoned and
coherent arguments, to reach well considered conclusions, and to develop your written
communication skills, including the conventions of referencing at university.
You are to aspire to the highest standard of work with respect to both the content and presentation
of the Report. The Harvard referencing system is to be used as per Swinburne Library guidelines
available at https://essays.homeworkacetutors.com/write-my-essay/swinburne.edu.au/lib/researchhelp/harvard_style.html. Marks will be deducted
where the Harvard system is not used appropriately. Please note that Wikipedia is not an
appropriate source to reference for an academic Report such as this. The Library holds sessions
on referencing technique.
LODGEMENT: You must submit your assignment via the Turnitin facility available under the
Assignments Canvas menu item no later than Thursday 27th September at 8.00pm. No hard copy
is required to be submitted, but please retain an electronic or photocopied version for evidentiary
purposes. For submission, the file name should begin with your Surname. Please note that
Turnitin takes at least 24 hours to return originality/similarity reports on second and subsequent
submissions and can take some hours to return these reports even for first submission. To avoid
Turnitin including Cover Sheets as part of the originality/similarity score, please submit Cover
Sheets and evidence of LAS workshop participation in the separate Turnitin facility available.
MAXIMUM MARKS: 25 Marks toward the final assessment. The assignment will be marked
out of 100. The rubric for marking is included in this document.
WORD COUNT: the body of the Report should not exceed 2,000 words (+/- 10 per cent)
(excluding title page, references and executive summary but including footnotes, endnotes and
appendices). Please provide a word count on the cover sheet. Markers will not read beyond the
word limit.
A report format is required for this assignment. In a report, the Executive Summary should
provide an overview of the whole report, including any recommendations. This is a ‘thinking’
assignment and what is expected is the personal view of individual students based on research and
the evidence (including real world examples) that has been sourced. Further, an assignment which
presents more quotes than constructive analysis and argument may be heavily penalised.
1. Title Page
2. Contents Page
3. Executive Summary (which provides an overview of the whole report)
4. Introduction and Purpose
5. Responses to specific task using appropriate headings and sub-headings
6. Conclusion
7. References
NB: Markers will only read the Conclusion, which is worth 10 per cent, if the assignment
overall is within the word limit.
Additional Guidance
This assignment is an important assessment component of this Unit and as such the assignment
must be properly researched and professionally presented. The assignment should also:
• Be all your own (individual submission) work
• Be word-processed (printed), and have 1.5 spacing for clarity. A high standard of
presentation is expected.
• Have a cover sheet (submitted to a separate Turnitin facility under Assignments to
avoid inclusion in similarity score) with all relevant details, including:
– student name, student number, class leader’s name
– Unit name and code
– date of submission
• Contain correct referencing, using the Harvard system.
• Include a list of references (alphabetical by first author’s surname) adequately referencing
your sources (in-text references should refer to the surname of the author/authors and the year
of the publication).
• The assignment gives you autonomy in deciding how you want to relate the scholarly research
articles of your choice to the task.
• In using research articles, your comments and insights are more important than just describing
what the article is about.
• You need to do all this within the word count of 2,000. Therefore, think about how you will
weight your emphasis and how headings and sub-headings can help you remain succinct.
• Remember this is NOT a literature review. Please do NOT merely reproduce the contents of
articles. Assignments that are excessive in their use of ‘quotes’ (even when appropriately
referenced) are in danger of demonstrating inadequate original thought.
• It is a good idea to prepare a plan or a skeleton of the report and include brief points, before
you start writing. This will help you to keep the report organised.
• Keep it simple. It is much better to discuss a few points in detail rather than discussing many
points at a surface level.
• Please make sure that you do a good job of proof reading and editing. Poor grammar, spelling
or expression will cost you marks and these marks are lost quickly.
• Please post any questions to the Canvas Discussion Forum so that the Unit Convenor can
clarify issues (there is a separate thread for assignment discussion).
• Once you have created a draft, you can discuss with Class Leaders/Convenor. Note that they
cannot/will not read drafts or give specific feedback – only guidance on the approach.
• There are materials available to assist with reading journal articles and writing (under Writing
Support tab) on Canvas. Appointments can be made with Learning and Academic Skills
for additional support, however you need to plan to have drafts ready
and make appointments well ahead of time because LAS has limited capacity for individual
• Past exemplar assignments (on a very different Assignment task, which is also provided) are
available in Canvas to demonstrate the standard of cohesive argument, flow, editing etc.
required to receive a high distinction. If you would like to practise your Report writing skills
ahead of the due date for this current assignment, attempt that prior task and compare your
response with one of the exemplars provided for you.
• Make sure you back up your computer files. Computer breakdown or loss of files
will not be taken as a reason for late submission.
• Requests for extension must be sent to the Convenor (cjubb@swin.edu.au) prior to
the due date and time. Late submissions without permission will be penalised as per
the Unit Outline.
Students are reminded to review the University policy on plagiarism
ACC30008 Assignment marking criteria: rubric
Criteria No pass Pass
High distinction
Did not
standard of
presentation with
Good standard of
including editing,
roleplaying and
structure. Clear
communication of
High standard of
including editing,
roleplaying and
communication of
Excellent standard
of presentation,
including editing,
roleplaying and
communication of
Quality of
Did not
summary of the
key points of the
report. Some
points missed.
Good summary of
the key points of
the report.
summary of the
key points of the
report. Clearly
summary of the
key points of the
report. Clear and
Quality of
response to
logic and
coherence of
Did not
Basic reference to
relevant sources
linked to Unit
content. Some
evidence of a
throughout the
Clear research
supported by
relevant sources
linked to Unit
content. Linkage
between the
theories and
throughout the
research supported
by relevant
sources linked to
Unit content.
Clear linkage
between theories
and assignment
supported by
relevant examples.
Clear and
coherent argument
research supported
by relevant
sources linked to
Unit content.
Detailed linkage
between the
theories and
supported by clear
and strong
examples and
throughout the
Quality of
Did not
providing key
findings and
Some points
Good conclusion,
providing the key
findings and
of the report.
drawing together
the key findings
of the report.
Clearly worded.
drawing together
the key findings
of the report.
Clear and concise.
Quality of
Did not
Use of sources
mostly cited in
text and
appropriately at
end of report.
Use of sources
mostly cited
correctly in text
and referenced
according to
Harvard style.
Use of all sources
cited correctly in
text and
according to
Harvard style.
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