Complete the required reading for the week and respond to the following questions. The response should be at least 200-300 words in length, reflect knowledge and comprehension of the subject, and include specific reference (with proper APA citation) to the assigned reading to be effective. Do a word count and type it at the bottom of your assignment. Review the discussion rubric for detailed information on grading this assignment: Discussion Rubric Discussion Rubric – Alternative Formats
Lesson Two Questions: Levinson, Atkins, and Forbes give information on Web marketing and cite the web as “the greatest guerrilla marketing tool ever made.” Mansfield asserts “Donors and supporters have little patience with poorly executed online communications and fundraising campaigns.” Using the information from your readings, assess how your organization is using social media and marketing. Give specifics as they apply to your nonprofit place of employment or a nonprofit organization of which you are a participant.
- How do they network?
- What are the organization’s plans for future use?
- How could this organization further its mission and impact with Web marketing?
- What does this organization need to do to reach donors of major gifts?
- Reflection: How will I use (or have I used) this knowledge in my ministry or life? (application)
- Levinson, Jay Conrad, Gibson, Shane. Guerrilla Social Media Marketing: 100+ Weapons to Grow Your Online Influence, Attract Customers, and Drive Profits (Chapter 4: 61-130)
- Levinson, Jay Conrad, Adkins, Frank & Forbes, Chris. Guerrilla Marketing for Nonprofits: 250 Tactics to Promote, Recruit, Motivate, and Raise More Money (Chapters 11-12: 181-210)