17)          After consulting with Butch Radner, George Monohan was able to determine the activity times for constructing the week-harvesting machine to be used on narrow rivers. George would like to determine ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack for each activity. The total project completion time and the critical path should also be determined.  (See Problem 16 for details). The activity times are shown in the following table:

ACTIVITY                              TIME (WEEKS)

A                                             6

B                                             5

C                                             3

D                                             2

E                                              4

F                                              6

G                                             10

H                                             7


REFERENCE ONLY                                                                                                                                            


16) Monohan Machinery specializes in developing weed-harvestnig equipment that is used to clear small lakes of weeds. George Monohan, president of Monohan Machinery, is convinced that harvesting weeds is far better than using chemicals to kill weeds. Chemicals cause pollution, and the weeds seem to grow faster after the chemicals have been used. George is contemplation the construction of a machine that would harvest weeds on narrow rivers and waterways. The activities that are necessary to build one of these experimental weed-harvesting machines are listed in the following table. Construct a network for these activities.





C                                             A

D                                             A

E                                              B

F                                              B

G                                             C, E

H                                             D, F






  • perform certain calculations discussed in the assigned reading in order to derive an answer for each problem.
  • use Microsoft Excel to complete each problem and submit a single Excel spreadsheet that contains a separate worksheet (i.e., separate tab) for each problem.
  • have each worksheet be clearly labeled to identify the associated problem.
  • to show all calculations or other work performed to derive your answer(s) for each problem.
  • have your spreadsheet be fully functional (i.e., configured to allow the reader to not only see all numerical values, but also be able to see the underlying formula associated with each calculated value).
  • to label your work in each worksheet to clearly identify the nature of each piece of data or calculated value.

No credit will be granted for problems that are not completed using Excel, for which your Excel worksheet is not fully functional, or for which you have not shown all of the calculations or other work performed to derive your answer(s). You may refer to the course textbooks, supplemental reading materials, online information, and your own notes in conjunction with completing the homework assignments. Once you have completed the necessary calculations to solve each problem and answer the associated questions, select the hyperlink provided to submit your Excel spreadsheet for grading.






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