17 and Pregnant

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17 and Pregnant
The scariest things in life always give one a wonderful experience. Being pregnant at 17 was a nightmare. So many questions and decisions crossed my mind the day I discovered my pregnancy. Should I tell Kay, my boyfriend, my parents, what about my siblings? What example am I creating for them? I Should just abort and forget it, right? After deciding to keep the baby, my next decision was how and when to disclose the information to my loved ones. I wrote a poem to all of them, including Kay. To my surprise, they were all not scared as I was, although I could overhear my parents talk about it because they were worried about my education.
Their strength gave me more energy to think clearly. I was no longer disturbed by many questions since I already decided to find a job before joining college since I knew I needed to pay for bills and get Medicaid cover for my baby.
I found work quickly at a bakery, for I have been baking since 9. Being an intelligent teenager, I also started a YouTube channel for baking. I had to get consent from my manager to do so, and he gladly accepted. I uploaded my baking videos each day I went to work, and this gave me more views. By the time my baby was 1-year-old and ready to join college, the YouTube channel paid thrice what the bakery paid. I was able to afford not only my baby’s needs but also my tuition money. Since then, I realized I could be more assertive than I thought. My parents are more proud of me now; they even call me an independent lady. They have also benefitted from my channel since every time we bake, we share the session with the world and, of course, earn.

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