Suggested Page Length – 15-25 pgs, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins all around.

For this project you will analyze what you believe to be an original falsifiable thesis statement in the light of the social science theories and theorists covered this semester. This thesis statement should be mid-range theory with scopes related to time, location, and case choice. Detail how your variables are operationalized (i.e. measureable with data.)

You will then seek support for or analyze rejection of your thesis – along with its variables and causal mechanisms – using the social science theories and theorists discussed in the course across all 3 relevant disciplines – Economics, PoliSci, and Sociology.

Within Each Section Categorized by Discipline You Will:

1. Analyze and describe professional evidential support for your falsifiable thesis and each of its variables and related causal mechanisms based on the theories and theorists covered in class.

2. Analyze and describe professional evidential analytic analysis which either rejects or contradicts portions of your thesis, or the whole thesis, based on the theories and theorists covered in class.

3. Conclude each section with an analysis of whether it makes sense to move forward with this thesis – is it actually original? Is it measurable? Does it seem potentially supported by the literature? Is there data? How did your analysis of the professional literature in the discipline at hand change your variables or causal mechanisms, if at all.

Finally conclude with a clear decision – will you choose to proceed to more advanced work with this (potentially modified) thesis, or would you rather reject the thesis for now.

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Research Helper
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