
Topic: Slavery In the Atlantic

Paper details:

Read material and write a 4 page paper (hire research essay pro writers) on it. Some questions students will consider while writing the paper:
The name and origin of the ship
Where slaves were purchased
Who purchased the slaves?
How many were sold at that particular site?
How many arrived at their final destination?
What were these societies like?
What was the average length of the voyage
What conditions were conditions aboard the slave vessels?
How is the experience described by: The Captain, the Crew, and the enslaved?
How long did the voyage take? What would the shipboard experience of a slave be? Sailor? Captain?
Use maps, charts, tables, etc., that are provided in the website.

Reading Material:
Book: Thornton, John Kelley. Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 2d ed., Cambridge University Press, 2011. Chapters 1 and 2
( This book is available in PDF only on my chegg account. Username:Kstroud@albertus.edu Password: Gloria45!)

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