Paper details The student will research three graduate schools in the United States (Excluding F.I.U.) to determine the variety of courses that are offered at different graduate schools offering a degree in Recreation and Sport Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment. The students will then compare and contrast these programs for their strengths and weakness. The paper will be a minimum 5 pages typed with 12 points Times New Roman Font. The paper must be double-spaced paper with a bibliography of sources. The bibliography will not be included as part of your page count, nor will any excessive or long headings or titles. The page count will begin from the first word of your first paragraph of the assignment. One page should be dedicated to summarizing each university. This would include a brief history of their Recreation and Sports academics programs, courses they offer including which course the students feels might be most beneficial to them, and any unique aspects or projects that program serves. The remaining two pages shall be made up by comparing and contrasting these programs with the students determining, which program they would like to attend if they were choosing to go to graduate school even if they do not intend to go to graduate school.

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