M4A1: Create Your Own Bacterial KeyThroughout the previous modules you have gained information on the methods used to distinguish different bacteria from one another. This activity serves to reinforce the concepts associated with biochemical tests, help you learn the metabolic strategies associated with individual or groups of bacteria, and strengthen your understanding of basic morphological differences. For this assignment, you are to choose one (1) of the groups, either A) oral/respiratory tract pathogens and commensals, or B) urogenital pathogens and commensals orC) gastrointestinal tract pathogens and commensals, and develop a key based on differential staining and culturing, morphology and the suite ofbiochemical tests available to identify bacteria.A) Typical oral/respiratory tract pathogens and commensals Streptococcus pneumoniaHaemophilus influenzaStaphylococcus aureusKlebsiella pneumoniaStreptococcus pyogenesPsuedomonas aeruginosaMycoplasma pneumoniaeYersina pestisStreptococcus viridansBacillus antracisBordetella pertussisChlamydia pneumoniaMycobacterium tuberculosisB) Typical urogenital pathogens and commensalsNeisseria gonorrhoeaeStreoticiccus agalactiaeStaphylococcus saprophyticusClostridium perfringensS. pyogenesHaemophilus vaginalisUreaplasma urealyticumTreponema pallidumChlamydia trachomatisSerratia marcescensTrichomonas vaginalisC) Typical gastrointestinal pathogens and commensals Campylobaacter jejuniSalmonella typhimurinEscherichia coliClostridium perfringensC. dificileAlcaligenes faecalisEnterobacter faecalisShigella sonneiBacillus cereusVibrio choleraeHelicobacter pyloriListeria monocytogenesAnswers are evaluated using the School of Liberal Arts Writing Rubric Essay assignments comprise 10% of your final grade.M4A2: Project 1BackgroundYou are the science reporter for your local newspaper. Your editor asks you to write an article on a major topic within the general field of microbiology. He stipulates that in this article you need to include the following three things:1. An historical timeline for the major scientific discoveries that has led to our current understandingof the topic.2. A summary of our current understanding of the topic.3. A projection of where the next major advance or breakthrough in your topic will come from.DescriptionFor project 1 you will do your background research. Specifically, you will choose a suitable topic, identify appropriate resources, and generate a brief outline of the article which you will write for Project 2. Your topic must fall under the following subheadings:1. Microbiology and human health2. Microbiology and the environment3. Microbiology and agriculture4. Microbiology and industryProcedure1. Consult your textbook to choose a topic under one of the four subheadings listed above. Forexample, from the area Microbiology and industry, you might examine the use of organisms by the alcoholic beverage industry. More specifically, are you interested in wine and the grapes that produce it? You could investigate the actions of a fungus called ânoble rotâ or the cultures involved in the fermentation of the grapes. [Need help choosing a topic?]2. Email your topic to your instructor for approval.3. Once your receive instructor approval, do some background research on your topic to get morefamiliar with it. Using the Credo Reference and/or Britannica Online: Academic Edition databases, find 1-2 articles/encyclopedia entries on your topic that will help you complete your Project 2 article. You can access these databases from the Libraryâs Background Information page.4. Now that you have some grounding in your topic, find 5-6 peer-reviewed research articles that willhelp you complete your Project 2 article using the Libraryâs OneSearch tool. OneSearch is found on the Libraryâs homepage. Watch the OneSearch Tips video for assistance getting started. [Note: In OneSearch you can limit your results to peer-reviewed journals.]5. You should now have a total of at least 7 sources to use for your Project 2 article.6. After reading the sources, think of the main points that you will cover and develop an outline foryour Project 2 article. [Need help writing an outline?]7. In a single Word document, submit your outline and list of at least 7 sources (references) in APAformat and place it in the appropriate assignment dropbox. [Need help withAPA format?]
2 peer responses – due in 4 hours
Guided Response: Respond in a substantive way to at least two of your peers. Choose at least one point from your peer’s response that impacted your thinking on this subject, and explain why and how that particular comment resonated with you or caused you to think in a different way. Compare the implications for […]