Module 6 DiscussionHow research is designed is important to its validity. In research, and particularly government funded research, the Institutional Review Board is the authority on requirements for research design.DHHS, Institutional Review Board Guidebook. Chapter 4: Considerations of Research″>″>Case-Control″>″>Prospective″>Record Reviews and Historical″>Clinical″>Surveys, Questionnaires, and″>Identification and Recruitment of″>Epidemiologic″>Assignment of Subjects to Experimental and Control GroupsFour common research designs used in epidemiological studies are cohort, case control, longitudinal, and cross-sectional studies. However, there are also prospective and retrospective, quantitative, qualitative and quasi (mixed) research designs. Data is what drives medical research and its design. Medical research drives scientific findings that ultimately result in improving human health. All of the various research study designs that fall into either descriptive or analytical epidemiology.All research studies fall into either descriptive or analytical epidemiology. What are those study designs and how are they defined?What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of the designs you have defined?Be sure in your initial response to provide at least two examples from peer reviewed literature that further clarify or illustrate your response (write 5-6 sentence summaries for each article).
Travelling Experience
Can you remember your best experince in another country? Last summer (in 2007), I traveled to the United States for working and spending some time with my friends. I stayed two months in that country. I decided to travel because I wanted to do something different. I was bored about all my daily activities, so […]