BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
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Unit of competency: Unit code: BSBADM502
Title: Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Name of your trainer/assessor:
Your name:
Your postal address:
Company / organisation(if applicable)
Student Phone:
Student Phone (mobile):
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
AGREEMENT BY THE STUDENT – Pease sign below to demonstrate you understand what is required of you in
relation to this assessment.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Do you understand the requirements of this assessment? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment? If yes,
what are they?
☐ Yes ☐ No
Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? ☐ Yes ☐ No
I understand I have two attempts to complete each task satisfactorily. Arrangement by the
RTO will be made if a resit is required
☐ Yes ☐ No
I hereby certify that this assessment is my own work, based on my personal study and/or
research. I have acknowledged all material and resources used in the presentation of this
assessment whether they are books, articles, reports, internet searched or any other
document or personal communication. I also certify that the assessment has not previously
been submitted for assessment in any other subject or any other time in the same subject
and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of other
learning and/or other persons
I confirm that I understand that I must complete this assessment on my own. I confirm that
I will not cheat or plagiarise, or copy from another student during the completion of this
☐ Yes ☐ No
I agree to allow Future Training Academy to discuss the progress / results of my assignment
with my supervisor or a representative from my organisation should this be required.
☐ Yes ☐ No
I give permission for Future Training Academy to use my assignment for assessment
moderation / validation purposes.
☐ Yes ☐ No
I confirm that I have read and understood my
responsibilities and requirements for
Students signature Date
I have acknowledged the underpinning knowledge and skills may be assessed on or off the
☐ Yes ☐ No
Assessment conditions
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered
demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the general
administration field of work and include access to:
reference material in regard to meeting venues and technology, catering and transport
organisational policies and procedures for managing meetings
office supplies and equipment
computers and relevant software
case studies and, where possible, real situations.
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
☐ Yes ☐ No
I confirm that I am a qualified workplace assessor and will be conducting the assessment
for this unit and student
☐ Yes ☐ No
Has all aspects of the student agreement been explained and understood ☐ Yes ☐ No
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Does the student understand they have three attempts to complete each task
satisfactorily? After three attempts $200 per unit will be charged to reassess the unit of
competency. If after the fourth attempt the student is deemed Not yet competent they will
be required to do further training before reattempting this unit
☐ Yes ☐ No
I confirm that I have explained and confirmed
all of the above items with the student
Assessor signature Date
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage the performance of staff who report to
them directly. Development of key result areas and key performance indicators and standards, coupled with
regular and timely coaching and feedback, provide the basis for performance management.
It applies to individuals who manage people. It covers work allocation and the methods to review
performance, reward excellence and provide feedback where there is a need for improvement.
The unit makes the link between performance management and performance development, and reinforces
both functions as a key requirement for effective managers.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Allocate work
Assess performance
Provide feedback
Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage follow up
Consult relevant groups and individuals on work to be allocated and resources available
Develop work plans in accordance with operational plans
Allocate work in a way that is efficient, cost effective and outcome focussed
Confirm performance standards, Code of Conduct and work outputs with relevant teams and individuals
Develop and agree performance indicators with relevant staff prior to commencement of work
Conduct risk analysis in accordance with the organisational risk management plan and legal requirements
Design performance management and review processes to ensure consistency with organisational
objectives and policies
Train participants in the performance management and review process
Conduct performance management in accordance with organisational protocols and time lines
Monitor and evaluate performance on a continuous basis
Provide informal feedback to staff on a regular basis
Advise relevant people where there is poor performance and take necessary actions
Provide on-the-job coaching when necessary to improve performance and to confirm excellence in
Document performance in accordance with the organisational performance management system
Conduct formal structured feedback sessions as necessary and in accordance with organisational policy
Write and agree on performance improvement and development plans in accordance with organisational
Seek assistance from human resources specialists, where appropriate
Reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback
Monitor and coach individuals with poor performance
Provide support services where necessary
Counsel individuals who continue to perform below expectations and implement the disciplinary process if
Terminate staff in accordance with legal and organisational requirements where serious misconduct occurs
or ongoing poor-performance continues
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Performance Evidence:
Evidence of the ability to:
consult with relevant stakeholders to identify work requirements, performance standards and agreed
performance indicators
develop work plans and allocate work to achieve outcomes efficiently and within organisational and legal
monitor, evaluate and provide feedback on performance and provide coaching or training, as needed
reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback
seek assistance from human resources specialists where appropriate
keep records and documentation in accordance with the organisational performance management system.
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence:
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
outline relevant legislative and regulatory requirements
outline relevant awards and certified agreements
explain performance measurement systems utilised within the organisation
explain unlawful dismissal rules and due process
describe staff development options and information.
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent
performance of typical activities experienced in the general administration field of work and include access
relevant legislation
workplace documentation and resources
case studies and, where possible, real situations
Interaction with others.
A range of diaries, planners and calendars to record and schedule appointments.
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
• Are you ready for assessment?
• Complete all your learning requirements
• Ensure you are advised of the time, date and venue of assessments
• Explain the assessment tasks fully
• Make provision for any special support you may need
• Organise and arrange all required resources
If you have any difficulties or there is anything you don’t understand, talk with your trainer/assessor, they
are here to help you. Never be too afraid to ask about anything you don’t understand related to safety
and do not attempt to complete tasks you are unsure about. You can raise any concerns with your
The content of this final assessment is designed to consolidate your learning to provide evidence that you
are indeed competent. More specifically, summative assessments are designed to evaluate student
learning at the end of an instructional unit and compared to a bench mark. The assessor will base the final
outcome of each unit and deem the assessment competent for every satisfactory task
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
To be deemed competent in this unit of competency the Learner must complete the following
Final assessment (assessment) – these are a set of tasks you will be required to complete. You must
achieve a satisfactory result for each task to be deemed competent in this unit.
Review all tasks and provide your answers in the spaces provided.
You must complete this assessment individually. If any answers are incorrect, your trainer/assessor
will work with you to identify gaps in your knowledge and understanding and make arrangements for
reassessment, which may involve re-sitting the assessment or answering the questions verbally.
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Record of assessment – To meet the requirements for competency the student must satisfactorily complete all
tasks as follows:
Learner details Assessor details
Name : Name:
Unit Code: BSBADM502 Unit Name: Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Site: Date:
Record of assessment results (please tick appropriate box)
Assessment activity Satisfactory Date More
Task 1 – Observations – 2 meeting observations ☐ ☐
Task 2 – Written assessment 1 -15 ☐ ☐
Context detail.
Assessor to
Date that final
Assessment was
Note: Final assessment date is the date for the training plan records that the
final assessment was conducted not necessarily the date you correct/review
the participant’s assessment.
The learner has completed all the assessments
requirements for this unit of competency and
has been deemed
☐Competent ☐Not yet competent
Attempts – Attempt
/ / Attempt
/ / Attempt
/ /
Appeals If you receive a Not Yet Competent assessment result you have the right to
appeal. You have three assessment attempts. After the third attempt
arrangements for payment will be made for reassessment purposes
Assessor Feedback to
learner: The assessor
must write full feedback
to the learner that is
constructive and not
Name: Signature: Date:
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Student declaration – I hereby certify that this assessment is my own work, based on my personal study
and/or research. I have acknowledged all material and resources used in the presentation of this
assessment whether they are books, articles, reports, internet searched or any other document or
personal communication. I also certify that the assessment has not previously been submitted for
assessment in any other subject or any other time in the same subject and that I have not copied in part or
whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of other learning and/or other persons
I confirm that I understand that I must complete this assessment on my own. I confirm that I will not cheat
or plagiarise, or copy from another student during the completion of this assessment.
Name: Signature: Date:
Reasonable Adjustment (if applicable) explain why reasonable adjustment has been applied and the tasks
it was applied to:
Assessor Intervention (if applicable) – did you need to assist the student in this assessment. If so please
Oral Assessment ☐ Written Assessment ☐
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Before you commence this section of the assessment you are to complete the checklist. This is similar to the
one being used by your assessor during this assessment. This checklist should be reviewed by you to
evaluate your readiness for assessment, and to confirm your understanding of the criteria by which this
assessment task will be judged.
Once you feel you have the required skills and knowledge to demonstrate each of the following assessment
criteria, you are ready to be assessed. Please speak with your assessor if you feel you are not ready to be
assessed before the assessment has commenced.
You may refer to this checklist at any stage PRIOR to the commencement of your assessment. You may not
refer to this checklist whilst you are being assessed.
Student Assessment Criteria I feel I can
demonstrate this
Communication | Are you able to:
Communicate clearly with others
Ask for help when needed
Follow instructions
Identify the task requirements including document purpose and proposed
Consult with others to determine meeting concepts and requirements
Clarify task requirements with supervisor (assessor) as required
☐ Yes ☐ No
Safety | Are you able to:
Work safely at all times ☐ Yes ☐ No
Ensure your actions do not put the safety of yourself or others at risk ☐ Yes ☐ No
Task requirements | Are you able to
Organise yourself before starting the task ☐ Yes ☐ No
Identify meeting requirements
☐ Yes ☐ No
Develop an agenda in-line with meeting requirements
☐ Yes ☐ No
Advise participants of meeting requirements (time, location, purpose,
☐ Yes ☐ No
Dispatch agenda with enough time for participants to respond
☐ Yes ☐ No
Obtain attendance conformation
☐ Yes ☐ No
Set up the meeting area in an appropriate format
☐ Yes ☐ No
Prepare a copy of meeting material for all participants (including spare sets) ☐ Yes ☐ No
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Record attendances, apologies and proxies
☐ Yes ☐ No
Chair each meeting, ensuring you:
Begin on time
Introduce self and welcome all (especially new members)
Facilitate discussion and group interaction (encouraging diversity of views /
Provide supporting environment to encourage complex discussions
Communicate effectively with both groups and individuals as required
Ensure participants comments and actions are non-discriminatory through
effective facilitation
Summarise key points as appropriate
Instruct minute taker to record details as appropriate
Ensure meeting runs smoothly by moving on to next topic in timely and
appropriate fashion
Ensure meeting stays focused
Delegate actions / follow up as required
Stay impartial
Ensure participants comments and actions are non-discriminatory through
effective facilitation
Use open and approachable body language
Communicate with confidence
☐ Yes ☐ No
Demonstrate conflict resolution / negotiation skills including
Identify participant concerns that arise and respond appropriately
Identify any critical issues
Talk through concerns
Identify options for changing behaviours
Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage discussions between parties
Moved parties forward through presenting of solutions and ensuring equitable
☐ Yes ☐ No
Record meeting details (note taking), ensuring they
are accurate
are legible
are free from mistakes
reflect the true events of the meeting and outcomes
☐ Yes ☐ No
Record meeting details (note taking), ensuring they
are accurate
are legible
are free from mistakes
reflect the true events of the meeting and outcomes
☐ Yes ☐ No
Record all dates, times and calculations accurately
☐ Yes ☐ No
Clarify own understanding if in doubt
☐ Yes ☐ No
Check minutes to ensure they are:
are accurate
are legible
☐ Yes ☐ No
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
are free from mistakes (including grammar, spelling and punctuation)
structured appropriately
reflect the true events of the meeting and outcomes
Dispatch minutes in a timely manner to all participants and delegates
☐ Yes ☐ No
Complete task on time
☐ Yes ☐ No
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Assessment instructions
For this assessment you will be observed preparing for, conducting and following up on 2 different
meetings, with at least 4 participants per meeting.
In you preparation, you are to ensure that:
Purpose of meeting is clarified and the agenda developed in line with stated purpose
The style and structure of the meeting is appropriate to the meeting’s purpose
Meeting participants are identified and notified in accordance with organisational procedures
Meeting arrangements are confirmed in accordance with requirements of meeting
Meeting papers are despatched to participants within designated timelines
You must provide your agendas to your assessor at the time of your assessment
Whilst conducting your meetings, you are to ensure that:
Meetings are chaired in accordance with organisational requirements, agreed conventions for the
type of meeting and legal and ethical requirements
Meetings are conducted to ensure they are focused and time efficient
Meeting facilitation enables participation, discussion, problem solving and resolution of issues
Minute taker is briefed on recording meeting notes in accordance with organisational requirements
and conventions for the type of meeting
This will be observed by your assessor during each of your meetings
After each meeting, you are to follow up, ensuring that:
Transcribed meeting notes are checked to ensure they reflect a true and accurate record of the
meeting and are formatted in accordance with organisational procedures and meeting conventions
Minutes and other follow-up documentation are distributed within designated timelines and stored
in accordance with organisational requirements
Outcomes of meetings are reported as required, within designated timelines
Assessment Summary
You are to submit the following evidence / perform the following tasks
Develop and submit meeting agenda’s
Prepare for and chair each meeting (to be observed by your assessor)
Develop and submit meeting minutes / follow up on reportable items within designated timelines
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Submission – Evidence you are to submit the following evidence for each assessment process:
Meeting agenda. Attach meeting agenda and label as follows: “Your first name, your
surname, BSBADM502, Task 1, meeting agenda”
Meeting minutes / follow up on reportable items. Attach Meeting minutes / follow up on
reportable items and label as follows: “Your first name, your surname, BSBADM502, Task 1,
Meeting minutes / follow up on reportable items”
Assessor observation checklist. Located on the next page
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Assessor checklist
Student Name:
Student ID No:
This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in this task. This checklist is to be completed for
each student. The student must receive a yes for each criteria to be deemed satisfactory in this task. Please
provide comment for each NS result
Whilst performing this assessment, did the
student Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Comments
Obtain information about the purpose of the
Yes No Yes No
Identify an appropriate meeting format Yes No Yes No
Develop an agenda ensuring it accurately
reflected the meeting purpose Yes No Yes No
Ensure agenda and other meeting
documentation was accurate and free from
Yes No Yes No
Identify all participants and notify them in
advance via writing Yes No Yes No
Distribute the agenda to all invited participants Yes No Yes No
Advise the participants of:
Meeting time
Meeting location
Meeting purpose
Participant expectations
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Confirm attendance for each participant Yes No Yes No
Ensure meeting area set up appropriately Yes No Yes No
Chairing the meeting
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Begin on time Yes No Yes No
Introduce self and welcome all (especially new
members) Yes No Yes No
Facilitate discussion and group interaction
(encouraging diversity of views / opinions) Yes No Yes No
Provide supporting environment to encourage
complex discussions Yes No Yes No
Communicate effectively with both groups and
individuals as required Yes No Yes No
Ensure participants comments and actions are
non-discriminatory through effective
Yes No Yes No
Summarise key points as appropriate Yes No Yes No
Instruct minute taker to record details as
Yes No Yes No
Ensure meeting runs smoothly by moving on to
next topic in timely and appropriate fashion Yes No Yes No
Ensure meeting stays focused Yes No Yes No
Delegate actions / follow up as required Yes No Yes No
Communication skills
Use warm and open communication style Yes No Yes No
Use open and approachable body language Yes No Yes No
Make direct eye contact to create direct
pathway between participants and self (may
be culturally inappropriate for some groups)
Yes No Yes No
Communicate with confidence Yes No Yes No
Establish a trusting environment Yes No Yes No
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Stay impartial Yes No Yes No
Ensure participants comments and actions are
non-discriminatory through effective
Yes No Yes No
Conflict resolution / negotiation skills
Identify participant concerns that arise and
respond appropriately Yes No Yes No
Identify any critical issues Yes No Yes No
Talk through concerns Yes No Yes No
Identify options for changing behaviours Yes No Yes No
Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage discussions between parties Yes No Yes No
Moved parties forward through presenting of
solutions and ensuring equitable outcomes Yes No Yes No
Check minutes for accuracy before dispatch Yes No Yes No
Dispatch minutes to all participants and
associated stakeholders Yes No Yes No
Follow up on issues that arose in meeting, and
notify relevant individuals as appropriate Yes No Yes No
Agenda attached to checklist Yes No Yes No
Minutes attached to checklist Yes No Yes No
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Record of Task 1
Learner details Assessor details
Name : Name:
Unit Code: BSBADM502 Unit Name: Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Site: Date:
Record of assessment results (please tick appropriate box)
Assessment activity Satisfactory Date More
Task 1 – Observation – 2 meeting observation –
observation checklist
☐ ☐
Task 1 – Observation – 2 meeting observation –
Meeting agenda.
☐ ☐
Task 1 – Observation – 2 meeting observationMeeting
minutes / follow up on reportable item
☐ ☐
Context detail.
Assessor to
Attempts – Attempt 1 / / attempt 2 / / Attempt 3 / /
Appeals If you receive a Not Satisfactory assessment result you have the right to
appeal. You have three assessment attempts. After the third attempt
arrangements for payment will be made for reassessment purposes
Assessor Feedback to
learner: The assessor
must write full feedback
to the learner that is
constructive and not
Assessor name Assessor
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Student Instructions
This assessment will be undertaken in the classroom, under test conditions.
This is a closed book written assessment
Time allocated: 2 hours.
Please print / write legibly
Make sure you answer all questions
Black or blue pen is required to complete this assessment.
Return your assessment by the date set by your assessor
Do not plagiarise. Plagiarism is considered cheating. Please refer below for our policy in regards to
Reasonable adjustment: If you require any adjustments to accommodate a need in order to complete this
assessment, please talk to your assessor. Arrangements will be put in place to ensure a fair and flexible
approach is undertaken for this assessment. Please note that the range or nature of the adjustment will
ensure that the outcomes of the unit are not compromised.
Feedback: Your assessor will provide feedback to students after the completion of the assessment. The
trainer assessor will explain the appeals process.
Re-assessment: If you do not achieve the required standard, you will be given the opportunity to be reassessed
by our Assessor. Arrangements will be made on an individual basis.
1 What is the difference between a General meeting and an Annual General meeting?
Result ☐ S ☐ NS
2 What are the meeting requirements for the following types of companies?
Public Company
Listed Company
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
3 In your own words, you are to explain the following terms:
Casting Vote
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
4 What documentation is required when organising and managing a formal meeting? Be sure to
include a description of who is responsible for the documentation, and indicate any timelines
required for this documentation.
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
5 Explain the role of the minute taker, and the interaction undertaken before, during and after a
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
6 ALT International will be holding a meeting of team leaders on the first Wednesday of next
month. The meeting will take place in the board room at ALT Internationals head office – 133
Federal Avenue, Werribee Victoria 3030. This meeting will commence at 10:30 am and will run
for 1 hour. Discussions will include Budgets, Timeliness, staff attendance, sales targets, and OHS.
Develop an agenda for this meeting
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
7 When planning and managing a meeting, there are a number of tasks that can, and should be
delegated. List the types of tasks that could fall into this category, and the benefits associated
with delegating these tasks to other staff members
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
8 You are to read the following case study, and prepare minutes from the information provided.
Old Spice Paper Products specialises in party products such as paper plates, serviettes, paper
cups as well as greeting cards and wrapping paper. The national office for Old Spice Paper
Products is located at 199 Tree Ave, Woodend Victoria, where both the administration and
manufacturing operations are housed. Old Spice Paper Products is managed by a board of
directors who meet monthly at the Woodend site. The members of the board are
Jack Stone (Chair) Gillian Collins (Deputy Chair) Albert Brockwook
Silvia Devola Janice Bennett Saul Rickman
Katherine Montigo Joseph Patulio
Old Spice Paper Products held its last board meeting on 15 July at 10:30am. Seven on the eight
members were present, with an apology from Albert Brockwood. The minutes for June were
received; and it was pointed out that the guest speaker’s name was Robinson, not Robertson.
The minutes were then accepted, and no matters arose from the minutes.
A letter from the ATO was received notifying the company of changes to Sales Tax exemption
laws. The chair requested that the General Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage r of Old Spice Paper Products write to the
ATO requesting further information regarding tax exemption laws. This information would be
reported on at the next meeting.
The HR manager reported that one staff members of the accounts department recently resigned
to take up a similar position closer to home, and Bill Jacobe from manufacturing was soon to
retire after 32 years of service. The chair recognised Bill’s service to the company and asked that
the HR manager draft a letter on behalf of the board recognising and thanking Bill for his
contribution to the company.
The Sales & Marketing manager presented the monthly sales report which included much
discussion about the launch of a new range of party goods from Party Hearty Ltd. Party Hearty
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
have only a small percentage of the party goods market, and they are now making a big push
into this sector through the release of new products in supermarket chains. Their goods include
a range of strong and durable paper plates in bright florescent colours, as well as matching cups,
serviettes and plastic cutlery. They also have a number of special offers planned over the next
two months. The board requested that the sales team undertake further research into the
impact of Party Hearty into the party goods market and asked that this be presented at the next
board meeting. A report in current performance against sales targets was also presented at the
board highlighting the company’s exceptional sales results for April, May, and June of this year.
An OHS report was tabled by the HR sub-committee, but was deferred to the next meeting to
enable more detailed consideration. A report was provided by the HR manager on negotiations
for phase two if the enterprise bargaining agreement. A motion endorsing the proposed
agreement was put by Saul Rickman and seconded by Kathering Montigo and agreed upon.
The date for the next meeting was scheduled for 15 August.
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
9 Write a page paper – Describe in detail 6 points you should consider when communicating with culturally diverse
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
10 Write a page paper – Describe the process of voting on a motion in a meeting.
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
11 Write a page paper – Describe how you would sequence a meeting (when writing an agenda). Explain the reasons for
your comments.
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
12 Write a page paper – Describe the layout you would use for the following meeting types
Formal presentations to
large groups
Medium-sized participative
Small meetings for debate
and discussion
Relaxed team meetings for
planning and creative
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
13 Write a page paper – Describe in detail 2 different meeting options that are available for use when participants are
unable to be physically present in the meeting room
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
14 Write a page paper – Describe the role of a chairperson when managing a meeting
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
15 In your own words, describe how you would run a mediation meeting.
Result – ☐ S ☐ NS
BSBADM502 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Assessment task V1. Licensed to Future Academy PTY LTD. A.B.N. 11 969 792 323. National Provider No 31915 CRICOS 03320D
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without
Record of Task 2
Learner details Assessor details
Name: Name:
Unit Code: BSBADM502 Unit Name: Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage meetings
Site: Date:
Record of assessment results (please tick appropriate box)
Assessment activity Satisfactory Date More
Task 2 – Written questions 1-15 ☐ ☐
Context detail.
Assessor to
Attempts – Attempt 1 / / attempt 2 / / Attempt 3 / /
Appeals If you receive a Not Satisfactory assessment result you have the right to
appeal. You have three assessment attempts. After the third attempt
arrangements for payment will be made for reassessment purposes
Assessor Feedback to
learner: The assessor
must write full feedback
to the learner that is
constructive and not
Assessor name Assessor