Question description

The instructions are below:1.  A written summary of a professional social science journal article.  The ARTICLE YOU READ must discuss subject matter that concerns itself with SOCIOLOGY or is sociological in nature.  The article YOU READ must be a MINIMUM OF 5 PAGES in length.2.  Your summary MUST BE TYPED and double-spaced, 275-350 words.  The average full credit is about 300 words in length. 3.  You must include a COMPLETE citation for your article.  Extra Credits without a complete citation will receive “0” points.4. Your essay MUST include:a. An overview or summary of the article.b. Your own objective analysis or critique of the article.  This is very important.  This should discuss what you think the good and bad points of the article are and why.Below are some acceptable  articles:American Historical ReviewAmerican Journal of PsychologyAmerican Journal of SociologyAmerican Political Science ReviewAmerican Sociological ReviewAnnals of the American Academy of Political & Social ScienceCalifornia Historical QuarterlyCounseling PsychologistCurrent AnthropologyDevelopmental PsychologyHispanic American Historical ReviewJournal of Abnormal PsychologyJournal of American HistoryJournal of Anthropological ResearchJournal of Applied PsychologyJournal of California & Great Basin AnthropologyJournal of Counseling & DevelopmentJournal of Counseling PsychologyJournal of Counseling PsychologyJournal of Educational PsychologyJournal of GeographyJournal of Modern HistoryPacific Historical ReviewPolitical Science QuarterlyPsychology TodaySOCIAL PROBLEMSSocial Science QuarterlySouthwestern Journal of AnthropologyTHE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORYWestern Historical QuarterlyOnline Journals: (See Web Links in Blackboard)The Future of ChildrenJournal of Criminal Justice and Popular CultureBehavior and Social IssuesInternational Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies

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