DO NOT use the research already available on the Healthy People 2030 Website.
DO find a journal article that addresses your project topic and age group that meets this criteria:
US Journal
Peer Reviewed
Primary Research or Empirical
Published within the last NINE (9) years 2011 – 2020.
DO NOT use REVIEW articles, analysis, meta-analysis, editorial, book reviews, letters to the editor, or commentary, etc.
Articles that are NOT from peer reviewed journals will receive an assignment grade of zero.
Foreign journals (not from the US) and/or international journals will receive an assignment grade of zero.
Research must take place and include participants in the U. S. If research includes foreign populations, grade of 0
Journals over nine (9) years old will receive an assignment grade of zero.
Use health care and professional language, terms, concepts and vocabulary reflective of a level 4000 student.
No contractions, write out all words.
Write out numbers zero through nine.
Do not write in second person (you/your) or first person (I).
TCHR5010 Theory to practice: Professional Philosophy Assessment
TCHR5010 Theory to practice: Professional Philosophy Assessment TCHR5010 Theory to practice: Competency and capability of Preschoolers Assessment One: Portfolio Length: 1500 words Professional Philosophy Task 1 An educational philosophy working with preschool students is based in the policies, approaches, and the EYLF principles. However, the most important principle is that children’s lives are defined by […]