For your response paper, you will write an essay approx 2100- 2500 words on the following: Argue for or against the following thesis using specific sociological concepts (which you clearly define) and evidence (from both the textbook and Bb readings):
“Herein lies the fundamental theme of sociology: that everyday social life–our thoughts, actions, feelings, decisions, interactions, and so on–is the product of a complex interplay between societal forces and personal characteristics. In order to explain why people are the way they are, we must understand the social, historical, cultural, and organizational environments they inhabit. Neither individuals nor society can be understood without understanding both” (David Newman, Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life)
As you do your readings this semester, take note of any important information you think will support the previous quote. Write them down so you don’t forget them. At the end of the course, be sure to pick the ones that make the best argument for your position.
Identify at least ONE important piece of information (and cite it) from each and every reading we will cover this semester (including the textbook AND the Blackboard reading) when answering the question (9 total). You will lose points for citing chapter 7 or using more than one source from a chapter.
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8, Ch9, , Miner (Nacerima) NOTE Chapters 10, 11, 12 are not included
Please do NOT use definitions as a source or some word or two the author happens to use to make another point.  I want you citing the author’s argument that HE is making to support your own position. Do NOT use other sources as you will be penalized. Do not use class videos, notes or other assignments.
1) I will not need a bibliography. All I need is (Miner (if Bb reading) or CHAPTER (when citing text), and the page number from the textbook.
I already know what sources you will use, so keep it simple. No bibliography, please (just the following). 2) At the end of the paper, I’d like a chronological (the order the citation appears in
the paper) listing of your readings USED. In other words, provide me the index of the times you cite the readings so I can reference them quickly. 3) I DO NOT WANT MORE THAN ONE CITATION PER CHAPTER OF Bb READING.
Please “Save As” and choose the “docx” file extension ONLY. If you do not follow these instructions, and your paper is unreadable or corrupt, it will be considered late. Do NOT email to ask if your paper is readable. I will email by next morning if there is a problem and you will have a short window to reply without penalty.
See below if you need access to Microsoft Word – the program that saves files as “docx.” Double-spaced (please!) with 1-inch margins and standard, size-12 fonts.
Your paper is due Monday April 20, 2020 11pm. If you want a grade for the paper to factor into your final grade, please turn your paper in on time so I have adequate time to grade it.

If you are citing something that Durkheim wrote and that information is in the textbook, DO NOT cite

Durkheim. Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite the Chapter and page of the textbook.

During the week that the paper is due, I will release a link in the Response Paper Assignment menu link (where you

accessed this assignment): CLICK on me to submit Response Paper. Simply “Click” on the link and you will find

instructions regarding Assignment Submission.

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