Over the past 50 years, Walmart has grown from a small business to one of the largest retailers in the world, employing over 2 million people worldwide. Managing such a large and diverse workforce has been an ongoing challenge for the retail giant, and employees have complained about their treatment by management. There have been several attempts to organize Walmart’s labor force into a union, but none of these efforts have yet to succeed. This project requires you to briefly discuss the history of organizational attempts at Walmart and explain some of the particular challenges that workers have faced in their attempts to unionize. 
Homework help – Summary 
Ace my homework – Write a 1,000-word paper discussing the attempts to organize labor at Walmart and explain some of the particular challenges that workers faced in their attempts to unionize. Read the assignment carefully and respond to the topic or issues presented. 
Walmart is one of the largest employers in the world. Walmart employees have made attempts to unionize several times over the years, but as of yet none of these attempts have been successful. In approximately 1,000 words, summarize 

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