1. This German Augustinian friar made the first dramatic act of the Protestant Reformation by issuing the invitation to debate indulgences issued in 1517 in Wittenberg. A) Luther B) Knox C) Wyclif D) Hus Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):A 2. In which country was John Calvin the leader of the Reformation? A) Geneva B) Zurich C) Vienna D) Madrid Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):A 3. Which of these countries remained faithful to Roman Catholicism during the Reformation? A) England B) Sweden C) Austria D) Switzerland Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):C 4.
This man translated the Bible into German in 1521. A) Luther B) Erasmus C) James I D) Zwingli Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):A 5. This group created the Index of forbidden books in the 1500s. A) Roman Catholic Church B) Anabaptists C) Puritans D) Calvinists Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):A 6. Our modern form of the essay is rooted in the short meditative writings of this author. A) More B) Montaigne C) Cervantes D) Petrarch Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):B 7. Much of Durer’s greatest work is done in this medium. A) oil painting B) woodcut C) fresco D) watercolor
Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):B 8. Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights is an example of a: A) fresco. B) watercolor. C) oil painting. D) triptych. Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):D 9. This artist is best known for his paintings of peasant life in the 1560s. A) Bruegel B) Bernini C) Rubens D) Giotto Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):A 10. The type of speech is delivered by an actor alone on stage or unheard by others and is used to reveal the character’s inner feelings. A) soliloquy B) burin C) requiem D) aria Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):A 11.

This artist painted portraits of prospective brides for England’s Henry VIII. A) Hilliard B) Holbein the Younger C) Grunewald D) Durer Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):B 12. To whom is “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” most frequently attributed? A) Zwingli B) Calvin C) Knox D) Luther Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):D 13. This man first introduced the printing press into England. A) Bosch B) Calvin C) Durer D) Caxton Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):D 14. What term is used to identify the spectators who stood in the pit as they viewed a performance of an Elizabethan play?
A) groundlings B) soliloquies C) burins D) treatises Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):A 15. Which language was used in written form for the first time in translating the Bible? A) Greek B) Sanskrit C) Latin D) Finnish Points Earned:0. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):D 16. To which nation of the British Isles did John Knox spread Calvinism? A) Ireland B) Wales C) England D) Scotland Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):D 17. The burin is associated with which artistic technique? A) woodcut B) fresco C) triptych D) watercolor Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):A 8. Which country is most closely associated with Martin Luther’s initiation of the Protestant Reformation? A) England B) Italy C) Germany D) Spain Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):C 19. This artist is best known for his miniatures, small portraits often painted in watercolors. A) Durer B) Grunewald C) Hilliard D) Holbein the Younger Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):C 20. This Polish astronomer asserted that the planets revolve around the sun rather than the earth. A) Galileo B) Copernicus C) Newton D) Erasmus Points Earned:5. 0/5. 0 Correct Answer(s):B

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