According to Heron and Penfold (2005) the word labour in Canada is used to mean issues that concern the well being of workers at their work places, it also means to Canadians a public holiday that they celebrate on the month of September whereby they do not carry out their day to day activities but instead celebrate by relaxing themselves away from work.
This day has been celebrated by the Canadians since the 1800s when the government of Canada declared it as a public holiday as a result of the influence that it had gotten from all the business people in Canada including the miners who were working in Nova Scotia mines and were demanding that their welfare at workplaces be considered as a means to ensure that all the citizens were safe. Read about labor movements
When the Labour Day was established its main purpose was to unite all the workers in Canada in a search for their rights, to be a celebration for the achievements they had made at their workplaces, gathering together and sharing their work experiences, uniting with their family members among other ways of celebrating. With time much has changed with the way the Canadian Labour Day is being celebrated as they have improved on the activities that they used to do as technology kept advancing, they have also involved various employers and the government authorities in a bid to negotiate for their rights Heron and Penfold (2007).
What is labour movement? (Canadian) According to Heron (1996) the Canadian labour movement is a collection of all the people that work both skilled and non skilled who have come together to defend for their rights that concern their jobs and the working environments in which they carry out their various jobs. The Canadian labour movement helps them to negotiate for their rights with their employers in both the private and government sector by trying to come up with various rules and regulations that will protect their rights.
The labour movement has undergone through a series of phases during its development as discussed in the article found online on the Canadian labour movement. Problems were in the changes in the economies of the Canada; as well at the beginning they were very much opposed by the British governors which lead to most means feeling some insecurity about the actions that could be taken against them fro their actions to form such a movement.
At the time that the labour unions movement was being established in Canada the Canada government and the British government issued threats against the campaigns that people had started that was for fighting for safety at their work places, for better pay and opportunities to be given to them to better their skills and working in all places that they would prefer to work in.
The workers were very much determined to ask for their rights at that time and this is what led to the development of the present day strong labour movement that is now responsible for negotiating for the rights of all workers Today it is one of the strongest labour movements that we have in the world as it has incorporated other governments and international labour unions like USA. The labuor movement in Canada comprises the labour unions, political parties, lobby groups and trade unions that have been established in the government of Canada.
Every year celebrations are made in the cities of Canada like Ontario, Quebec among others to mark this great day in their history.
References Craig Heron, Steven Penfold (2005). The workers’ festival: a history of Labour Day in Canada. University of Toronto press. Craig Heron (1996). The Canadian labour movement: a short history. James Lorimer and company. Graphic communication conference of the international brotherhood of teamsters. The Canadian labour movement. Retrieved online: http://www. gciu. org/histcan. shtml