Answer the mandatory question #1 and then choose 4 of the remaining essay questions below and answer each one .  All answers should be written in paragraph form. Bullets alone will not be accepted. You should answer a total of 5 essay questions. Each answer is worth a possible total of 10 points.
1.  Mandatory question that everyone must answer:  Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the most important insight(s) you have had while taking this course and the reasons why this has been your insight(s).  What is the most important thing you have learned from this course and why?
2.  What are the differences between therapy for individuals with an alcohol disorder and support groups.  Give examples of each.
3.  Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the important multicultural differences that exist among people with alcohol disorders.
4.  Online assignment help tutors – Discuss whether and how the family of the person with an alcohol disorder should be involved in this person’s treatment.
5.  Examine the various situations in which we find the children of people with alcohol disorders. What is the importance and impact of children’s learned response and survival roles?
6.  List and discuss the work and legal ramifications of alcohol disorders.
7.  How can we use psychology as a social science discipline to study the field of alcohol disorders?
8.  Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the presence and frequency of alcohol disorders among the elderly in the United States.  How much of a problem and how serious is alcohol use among the elderly population compared with all adults in the United States?
9.  Online assignment help tutors – Discuss how at least two social science disciplines (using psychology, sociology, anthropology, and gerontology) together might study the field of alcohol use and disorders.
10.  Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the role of genetics vs. the environment as causal factors of alcohol disorders.

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