EPSLO 2: Integrate evidence, nursing theory, and knowledge from other disciplines to guide professional nursing practice.
In your Journal summarize personal and professional achievements and accomplishments that you have completed throughout the baccalaureate nursing program at EC that refer to EPSLO 2: Integrate evidence, nursing theory, and knowledge from other disciplines to guide professional nursing practice.
Attach a minimum of at least two examples of your work that supports EPSLO 2 noted above. Save your Journal entry as your Self-Appraisal for each module in your word document. The professor will request that you submit your journal entries for informal feedback at the end of each module. A Title page of this assignment with a summary of accomplishments (no more than 2 pages in length) is required with attached files as supportive evidence for each EPSLO. A minimum of one or two examples is required to support each EPSLO.
attached are two examples of my work that can be used to support project done in the community health nursing class. Rubrics to guide you: 45.0 pts
Exemplary – (45-43 pts) Expertly analyzes how the EPSLO was achieved and supports claims for the EPSLO by including at least 2 relevant work examples (academic or professional) accomplished during the EC baccalaureate program.