
double spaced

need citation 










Final exam Question:  There is just one question. One inch Margins 12 point font Double Spaced Times New Roman Font. 

Drawing on the history and the legacy of Racism in the development of the U.S. in order to justify oppression and using specific examples from the readings as well as the films and class discussion, please answer the following question in a well thought out and elaborated essay.  Good (B’s) answers are typically at least 4 pages. Great answers typically go 5 pages or more.  (Note: length is not important to me, I care about the quality and depth of the work. There can be an 8 page response that is not very good and gets a C. I give you what is typical so you know what you can expect to write.)


What has been the experience of Chicanos in the U.S. in relation to the constitution and the legal system? How has their daily lived experiences been shaped by the legal structures set up in the U.S? Why was the legal structure of the U.S. created this way and what role have Chicanos played in this system? How has the creation of whiteness and the Ideology of White Supremacy as well as Primitive Accumulation (Capitalism) impacted Chicanos throughout the 20th century? What role did whiteness and the law play in the Bracero Program and the  Educational System for Chicanos?

In answering this essay please provide specific examples from the readings, films, and lectures to make your case. Ultimately I am asking you to explain the purpose of the legal structures that were create in the U.S. according to the theme of the class and to show how and why? I am looking for your ability to use ALL the available materials especially materials after the midterm (Case Studies on Mexicans and the Law) but also some of the materials from before. Provide me specific examples from the MANY you encountered in the various readings. You will be graded on your ability to connect various readings with the lectures and films. I need help writing my essay – research paper reference where you are getting your information (no formal citation necessary. Example: Zinn in the chapter on Native Americans shows….)  each essay should be no less than 3 pages double spaced, 1 inch margins, single spaced heading and Times new roman font. Failure to adhere to the format will result in point deductions. Pleas turn assignment in as a WORD DOC or a PDF. Apple PAGES will not be accepted or graded. 


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