MGMT658 Changing World of Work Semester 2, 2020 Assessment 1: Individual Analytical Paper Weighting: 25%
Assessment 1
Due Date
Core Learning
Core Graduate
Trend Analysis
(Individual) Week 5 (30/08/2020) 25% LO 1, 2 GA 2, 4, 5
Why this assessment?
• Opportunity to apply theory into practice.
• Exposure to real-life scenarios relating directly to your chosen professional field.
• Analysis and direct application of key digital disruption concepts to real-life careers.
• The feedback from this assessment will help students correct any conceptual misunderstandings and apply them to their next assessment.
The following are the types of employability skills that you will acquire upon completion of this assessment:
Assessment Overview
Assessment: Trend Analysis
Due date: 30th August 2020, 11.59PM (Week 5)
Weighting: 25%
Length and/or format: 1500 words (the word count covers just the body of the report and does not include the introduction, conclusion, and references).
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1: Demonstrate understanding of the nature of digital disruption and its impact on work practices (GA4, GA5).
LO2: Describe key trends in digital disruption and how these impact on the common good (GA2, GA5).
Graduate attributes assessed: GA2: Recognise their responsibility to the common good, the environment and society.
GA4: Think critically and reflectively.
GA5: Demonstrate values, knowledge, skills, and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession.
How to submit: Turnitin, via LEO.
Return of assignment: Assignments will be returned approximately two weeks after submission.
Learning criteria: See rubric at end of document.
References: 8-12 references (5 scholarly references + other good quality/appropriate business sources, etc).
Task: To demonstrate understanding of the impact of digital disruption on work.
Requirements: Read the appropriate journals and research material around this topic and consult your textbook to develop your framework.
Using the appropriate/corresponding theory, and where possible, use examples to illustrate or illuminate your content.
This task requires students to undertake a trend analysis; analysing the contemporary and developing world of work based on the notion of digital disruption.
• Firstly, you need to present your knowledge in relation to the topic of digital disruption; displaying a clear understanding of the pertinent concepts, nature, and fundamentals of digital disruption in context of the world today (macro view).
• This initial focus is designed to lay the platform for establishing the context of the role and prominence of digital disruption in the modern business environment.
• Secondly, once the background has been established, the next step is to introduce the industry/sector/specific job role you are looking to pursue upon your graduation.
• In identifying your ideal future profession, students are then expected to reflect on the current disruptive trends in that particular industry/profession/vocation (micro view).
• By focusing specifically on this, you should be able to appraise the predicted changes giving clear insight into future opportunities re: personal branding and careers.
• Conduct careful and considered research to produce a balanced and reflective paper.
• Identify appropriate trends, supplemented by clear, current, and practical examples, to elevate and enhance perspectives.
• Explore, contextualise, and reflect upon the body of evidence in relation to the pertinent concepts shaping business practice.
• Focus specifically on contemporary and/or strategic digital disruptive trends in the workplace.
• Cite relevant journal articles and the appropriate literature.
• Provide quality, broad-ranging, and germane examples from specific industries, to support and illuminate discussion.
• Choose valid supporting evidence from your chosen profession to enhance discussion.
Process for Completing the Assignment
• Step-1: Conduct desk research to gather background information on the fundamental theories and concepts associated with digital disruption (please refer to and follow the assessment tasks and rubric for structure and content guidance).
• Step-2: Undertake an Internet search/independent research on the nature of digital disruption and its impact on work practices re: in general, and more specifically, aligned with your future chosen profession.
• Step-3: Evaluate, consolidate, and align the information gathered in context of your secondary and primary research (see step-1 and step-2 above).
• Step-4: Conduct research using the professional and academic literature (using the resources suggested in LEO, your EUO, and this document) to evaluate the pertinent issues, concepts, and applications in relation to the assessment tasks (see above) and the specific area of study/focus.
• Step-5: Analyse and synthesise step-1 to step-4 to help you complete the questions/sections as per the assessment tasks.
• Step-6: Keep a record of the collection of resources and screen shots of key processes that you completed for this assignment (e.g. screen dump of my search and retrieval of journal articles, etc).
• This assignment is an essay, which requires you to write in formal academic language.
• Your paper should contain your name/student ID, a title, an introduction, body (containing your headings/main paragraphs), conclusion, and reference list (in ACU Harvard style). Appendices are optional.
• You should have at least 5 peer-reviewed journal articles to support your discussion. You may use other sources as well, but 5 must be from reputable journals. Aim to use research that is current (i.e. no older than 5 years).
• Your introduction should include a clear thesis statement that outlines the purpose of the paper.
• Use the rubric at the end of this document as a guide to content, focus, weighting, structure, and allocation of marks (see below for details).
• All referencing should be in ACU Harvard style. Check the guide and make sure you follow it carefully.
• I need help writing my essay – research paper ensure your assignment makes use of in-text citations and a reference list. Missing citations or references is equivalent to plagiarism.
Helpful Resources
• I need help writing my essay – research paper contact your campus lecturer if there any issues with your unit (see EUO for contact details).
• The Academic Skills Unit provide a variety of different academic services:
• I need help writing my essay – research paper be mindful of the associated academic policies and procedures: ation/assessment_-_policy_and_procedure.
• For all other issues, you can always contact:
• Missing citations or references is equivalent to plagiarism.
I’m Having Problems
• SC: Application for Special Consideration Complete this form if you wish to be exempted from the academic penalty because your study has been affected by unforeseen circumstances.
• EX: Application for extension of time for submission of an Assessment Task Complete this form if you wish to apply for an extension of time for submission of this Assessment Task.
Helpful Websites
• Bloomberg Businessweek
• Fortune Magazine
• Harvard Business Review
• Business & Finance
• McKinsey Quarterly
• The Economist
• Financial Times
• MIT Sloan Management Review
• Australian Financial Review
Key Assessment Guidelines
1. This assessment is an individual task; so please manage yourself and your time accordingly.
2. You only need to submit the soft copy of your work (word version only) to drop-box/Turnitin (Labeled as ‘Trend Analysis’).
3. I need help writing my essay – research paper carefully check and re-check the time/date to make sure you understand submission details.
4. Likewise, read and re-read this document carefully to make sure you are fully aware of all the associated requirements.
5. The word limit is 1500 words ± 10% (excluding introduction, conclusion, appendices, and references).
6. I need help writing my essay – research paper use double space, 12 point font, standard margins, and include your name and student ID.
7. Use headings/sub-headings where needed and carefully check the flow of your writing to ensure relevance and cohesiveness.
8. Make sure you undertake a review of the pertinent theories and concepts you have learned before starting your research/answer.
9. To be able to complete this task effectively, please be aware that it is highly recommended you conduct external research/undertake a systematic review of the pertinent literature. You are encouraged to use your initiative in this area.
10. By all means use them as a guide to help direct your research, but please do not reference the workshop slides/notes in your report. The same principles apply for sources such as wikipedia, online dictionaries, blogs/vlogs, etc.
11. Likewise, do not rely solely on and/or over-reference the textbook; aim to read broadly
around the topic area(s) and reference accordingly.
12. You should use the referencing style recommended by ACU; in the case of business units, this should be Harvard. I need help writing my essay – research paper include references for the statistics and figures that you use.
13. You are encouraged to always choose and use the best quality references possible; this should include at least 5 key journal articles, supplemented by reputable business journals. The online sources and journals in the unit outline and LEO page of the unit may be helpful.
14. Copying ‘online stuff’ and using other sources without appropriate referencing is strongly prohibited. Remember: even if you paraphrase a source in your work, it needs to be referenced. If in doubt, reference it (I am sure that everyone is aware of the academic integrity issues).
15. Use direct quotes very sparingly (max: 5% of the total words). However, you are always encouraged to paraphrase as it highlights a deeper understanding of the material.
16. I need help writing my essay – research paper use the rubric as a guide to content, focus, weighting, and allocation of marks (see below for details).
17. To ensure the word limit is adhered to, the use of appendices and attachments is encouraged.
18. Use a suitable format, and aim to develop your report in a concise, precise, and measured fashion.
19. I need help writing my essay – research paper include a word count of the main body of your assignment.
20. Before submitting the final version in dropbox, always proofread your assessment and make sure you check the originality index of your work through the Turnitin system.
Checklist for Students to Submit along with their Assignment
My submitted assignment is within the specified word limit. ?
I have included references using the specified referencing style. ?
I have correctly cited all my sources and references. ?
I have formatted my report as per the specifications. ?
I have checked my Turnitin report to ensure the similarity report is acceptable and explainable. ?
I will be able to supply the process output, if required by my lecturer to prove this is my own work (e.g screen dump of my search and retrieval of journal articles, etc.). ?
I have completed proof reading and checked for spelling and grammar. ?
I have submitted my work before the due date/time. ?
Rubric – Assessment Task 1: Trend Analysis (25%)
Learning Outcomes Criteria Standards
Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
NN (0-49) PA (50-64) CR (65-74) DI (75-84) HD (85-100)
Weight: 20
TL=2 Learning
Stage: D Demonstrate an understanding of the background of digital disruption. Failure to demonstrate the values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession; mostly vague. Satisfactory demonstration of the values, knowledge,
skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession; would benefit from more concrete illustrations. Credible demonstration of the values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession; some illustrations are included and reasonable clarity. Distinctive demonstration of the values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession; clear illustrations are included. Highly distinctive demonstration of the values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession; techniques are applied creatively.
Weight: 35
TL=4 Learning
Stage: D Demonstrate understanding of the nature of digital disruption and its impact on work practices. Failure to think critically and reflectively about the nature of digital disruption and its impact on work practices; mostly vague. Satisfactory critical thinking and reflection upon the nature of digital disruption and its impact on work practices; would benefit from more concrete illustrations. Credible critical thinking and reflection upon the nature of digital disruption and its
impact on work practices; some
illustrations are included and reasonable clarity. Distinctive critical thinking and reflection upon the nature of digital disruption and its
impact on work practices; clear illustrations are included. Highly distinctive critical thinking and reflection upon the nature of digital disruption and its impact on work practices; techniques are applied creatively, excellent illustrations are included.
Weight: 35
Marks TL=3 Learning
Stage: D Describe key trends in digital disruption and how these impact on the common good. Failure to recognise their
responsibility to the common good, the environment, and society; mostly vague. Satisfactory recognition of
their responsibility to the common good, the environment, and society; would benefit from more concrete illustrations. Credible recognition of their responsibility to the common good, the environment, and society; some illustrations are included and reasonable clarity. Distinctive recognition of their responsibility to the common good, the environment, and society; clear illustrations are included. Highly distinctive recognition of their responsibility to the common good, the environment, and society; techniques are applied creatively, excellent illustrations are included.
Weight: 10
Marks Ability to communicate professionally: proofread, word limit adhered to, Harvard referencing, formatting, structure, clarity, articulation, spelling, grammar, etc. Poor ability demonstrated. Inadequate professional communication skills. Basic ability to communicate professionally.
Acceptable proofreading and referencing. Satisfactory ability to communicate effectively; flow and structure of the document is fair. Good ability to communicate professionally.
Sound proofreading, referencing, and ability
to communicate
effectively in a written format. Very good ability to communicate professionally.
Achieves very good proofreading, referencing, and ability to communicate
effectively in a written format. Excellent ability to communicate professionally. Demonstrates flawless standard in proofreading, referencing, and ability to
effectively in a written format.
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