26. Which of the following is NOT captured by the notion of autonomy?
a. Freedom
b. The universal acceptability of the moral law
c. The self-imposition of the law
d. The external imposition of the law
27. According to Kant, the third form of the Categorical Imperative is which of the following?
a. Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.
b. Act only in that way that you would want another to act toward you.
c. Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
d. Act only so that the will through its maxims could regard itself at the same time as
universally lawgiving.
28. Which of the following are strictly legal rights?
a. Civil rights
b. Positive rights
c. Negative rights
d. Special rights
29. Which of the following rights involves the punishment due a law-breaker or evildoer?
a. Distributive justice
b. Commulative justice
c. Retributive justice
d. Procedural justice
30. Sound judgment involves all except which of the following?
a. Moral luck
b. Experience
c. A well-developed moral sense
d. Careful deliberation
31. Which of the following is the highest virtue for Aristotle?
a. Justice
b. Courage
c. Wisdom
d. Generosity
32. Which of the following would be the conclusion a virtue ethicist might make of one who reacts to strong temptation by frequently giving in to it?
a. The person has an excellent character.
b. The person has a weak character.
c. The person has a strong character.
d. The person has an immoral character.
33. Which of the following would be the conclusion a virtue ethicist might make of one who reacts to strong temptation by habitually giving in to it?
a. The person has an excellent character.
b. The person has an immoral character.
c. The person has a strong character.
d. The person has a weak character.
34. Which of the following would be the conclusion a virtue ethicist might make of one who reacts to strong temptation by habitually resisting?
a. The person has an immoral character.
b. The person has a weak character.
c. The person has a morally good character.
d. The person has great moral luck.
35. Which of the following is a good definition of the virtues?
a. The virtues are characterized by the habit of going along with the majority.
b. The virtues are skills of discerning the rules and obeying them.
c. The virtues are skills of excellence in the art of living in society with others.
d. The virtues are characterized by emphasizing the ends over the means.
36. Which of the following describes a moral ideal?
a. A pleasure or happiness
b. A goal toward which we can strive
c A disposition
d. A talent or ability
37. Which of the following is necessary for sound moral action on a virtue view?
a. Moral luck
b. An attention paid to the means
c. Strong emotional commitments
d. Sound moral judgment
38. All actions by nations or companies involves, first and foremost, which of the following?
a. Actions by corporate entities
b. Actions by legislative bodies
c. Actions by individuals
d. Actions by nation states
39. For a virtue ethicist, which of the following would be why bribery would be considered wrong?
a. It is contrary to developing good character.
b. It is not universalizable.
c. It treats peoples as means to an end.
d. It does not bring about the greatest good.
40. Which of the following is not meant by being “morally responsible” for an action?
a. I performed the action.
b. I did not perform the action.
c. I performed the action knowingly.
d. I performed the action willingly.
41. Which of the following is an excusing condition that has to do with having only one possible action that I can perform?
a. Lack of control
b. External coercion
c. The absence of alternatives
d. Internal coercion
42. If I fainted and in the process of fainting, knocked over a lamp, which started a fire, which sort of excusing condition would limit my moral responsibility for the fire?
a. Internal coercion
b. External coercion
c. The absence of alternatives
d. Lack of control
43. On the view of this sort of capitalism, the function of government is to preserve the peace and to adjudicate disputes among those engaged in business transactions.
a. State capitalism
b. Socialism
c Totalitarianism
d Laissez-faire capitalism
44. Which of the following economic systems did not exist prior to the industrial revolution?
a. Feudalism
b. Totalitarianism
c. Capitalism
d. Democracy
45. Socialism is commonly, and erroneously, often confused with which of the following?
a. Communism
b. Capitalism
c. Feudalism
d. None of the above.
46. Antitrust legislation is an example of which of the following?
a. Control of economic cycles
b. Correction of unfair tendencies and of market failures
c. Development of a welfare safety net
d. Taxation
47. The restriction of multinationals from lobbying against reforms or laws that protect workers or consumers is an expression of which norm?
a. Respect the laws of a host country.
b. Do no intentional direct harm.
c. Respect the human rights of workers.
d. Promote the development of just background institutions internally.
48. Which of the following is the general obligation derived from the system of free enterprise that holds that parties must be able to count on the actions of other agents with whom they interact?
a. The obligation to do no harm
b. The obligation to live up to the contracts into which one enters freely
c. The obligation to be fair in the transactions in which it engages
d. The obligation not to undermine the freedom and values of the system
49. Which of the following is not true about the moral responsibilities of management?
a. Management is responsible to the workers.
b. Management is responsible to the board.
c. Management is responsible to maximize profits.
d. Management is responsible to the shareholders.
50. Which of the following was a result of the Enron failure?
a. The Rescue Bill
b. The Employee Compensation Act
c. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
d. The Corporate Democracy Act