Value: 50%
Due Date: Wednesday 11th October by 11.59pm
Return Date: 1-Nov-2023
Length: 1200 words
Submission method options: TurnItIn Assignment Portal (online)
The following are downloadable documents to use in your preparation (they are all available in the Assessment 3 folder – you have likely already downloaded a few!)
• SCENARIO VIDEO (; please watch from 1min 37 sec
• DESCRIPTOR WORDS (document to Help with your understanding of the rubric)
• TEMPLATE (use this to write your paper and this should be the only document to upload to Turnitin)
In this assessment refer to the video ( beginning at 1min 37sec) provided on the subject Interact2 site and write an academic essay using the following guidance. Ensure you refer to the Assessment 3 resource page to Help you with writing your response.
As this is an academic essay, an introduction and conclusion along with in-text citations and a reference list are required.
• Paragraph 1: Introduction (100 words)
o Provide an outline of what your paper will present to the reader
o Remember to include a topic sentence along with guidance on your key points in the paper such as the key point of each paragraph
o I need help writing my essay – research paper note: grading for the introduction is included in the Academic Writing criterion
• Paragraph 2: Define Watson’s Caring Science. (100 words)
o Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include at least one (1) source in your response.
o Guided Thoughts
? Define Caring Science
? Highlight what a caring moment involves
? Link your points to the therapeutic relationship
? Introduce the purpose of Caritas Processes
• you are not expected to mention all 10 in detail due to word count limitations however could abbreviate them
• Define three (3) of the Caritas Processes demonstrated in the video and describe how they can Help the student Registered Nurse to create opportunities for caring moments to support safe care for the patient and family. (400 words)
o Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include at least one (1) example from the scenario and at least one (1) source in your response.
o Guided Thoughts
? Following Watson’s Caring Science and the Caritas processes, how does the SRN include ‘caring’ in their practice – what does it look, sound or feel like?
? You may choose any three (3) of the Caritas processes to highlight your understanding; consider concepts surrounding the demonstration of caring such as empathy
? Consider and link to scope of practice for the SRN along with professional practice principles (review Modules 1 & 2 to refresh your memory)
? Use at least one (1) example from the video to demonstrate your understanding
? You may choose to link your Caritas Processes together or mention them separately
• Define mindfulness in therapeutic communication. (100 words)
o Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include at least one (1) source in your response.
o Guided thoughts
? Define mindfulness
? Define therapeutic communication
? Highlight the purpose and benefits of utilising mindfulness in therapeutic communication
• Define three (3) mindfulness communication techniques demonstrated in the video and describe how each could be applied in practice by the student Registered Nurse. (400 words)
o Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include at least one (1) example from the scenario and at least one (1) source in your response.
o Guided thoughts
? Consider empathy, compassion, active listening, SOLER, verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, inter and intra-professional communication
? Some of you may consider including reflection, emotional intelligence, situational awareness and more on the elements of therapeutic relationships
? Consider the following questions
• How do you demonstrate these elements as the SRN?
• How does this link to your professional codes and standards?
• How does this relate to Watson’s Caring Science and the 10 Caritas Processes?
• Conclusion (100 words)
o Describe learning opportunities by completing this assessment and how they can be incorporated into future practice
o I need help writing my essay – research paper note: grading for the introduction is included in the Academic Writing criterion
• New Page: References
o A reference list will be required as will in-text referencing to support your thoughts throughout your paper.
o Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a minimum of four (4) credible, reliable, appropriate sources in your response
10 marks equates to 100 words; 30 marks equates to 400 words
PASS Described: provide an account of, outline the features
CREDIT Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussed: consider from more than 1 point of view; provide arguments for and against and draw a conclusion
DISTINCTION Explained: provided a detailed account, offer reasons why, describe cause and effect
HIGH DISTINCTION Examined: describes in detail, explores the meaning and implications
HD (85-100%) DI (75-84.5%) CR (65-74.5%) PS (50-64.5%) FL (0-49.5%) Mark
Define Watson’s Caring Science study bay.
Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include at least one (1) source in your response. You have examined Watson’s Caring Science.
You have used multiple sources in your definition.
(8.5 – 10 marks) You have explained Watson’s Caring Science.
You have used multiple sources in your definition.
(7.5 – 8.4 marks) You have paraphrased and discussed Watson’s Caring Science.
There are at least two (2) sources used in your definition.
(6.5 – 7.4 marks) Your definition is a direct quote from a peer reviewed source.
There is at least one (1) source used in your definition.
(5 – 6.4 marks) You have not defined Watson’s Caring Science.
There are no sources used to support your definition.
And/or your definition contains inaccuracies.
(0 – 4.9 marks) /10
Caritas Processes in Action
Define three (3) of the Caritas Processes demonstrated in the video and describe how they can Help the Student Registered Nurse to create opportunities for caring moments to support safe care for the patient and
Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include at least one (1) example from the scenario and at least one (1) source
in your response. You have examined three (3) Caritas Processes.
You have examined how the Caritas Processes can Help the Student Registered Nurse to create opportunities for caring moments that support safe care for the patient and family.
There are multiple examples from the scenario used in your response.
You have used multiples sources in your response.
(25.5 – 30 marks) You have explained three (3) Caritas Processes.
You have explained how the Caritas Processes can Help the Student Registered Nurse to create opportunities for caring moments that support safe care for the patient and family.
There are multiple examples from the scenario used in your response.
You have used multiple sources in your response.
(22.5 – 25 marks) You have discussed three (3) Caritas Processes.
You have discussed how the Caritas Processes, can Help the student registered nurse to create opportunities for caring moments that support safe care for the patient and family.
There are at least two (2) examples from the scenario used in your
There are at least two (2) sources used in your response.
(19.5 – 22 marks) You have defined at least three (3) Caritas Processes.
You have described how the Caritas Processes can Help the Student Registered Nurse to create opportunities for caring moments that support safe care for the patient and family.
There is at least one
(1) examples from
the scenario used in
your response.
There is at least one (1) source used in your response.
(15 – 19 marks) You have defined less than three (3) Caritas Processes
You have not described how the Caritas Processes can Help the Student Registered Nurse to create opportunities for caring moments that support safe care for the patient and family.
There are no examples from the scenario in your response.
There are no sources used in your response.
And/or your discussion contains inaccuracies.
(0 – 14.5 marks) /30
Define mindfulness in therapeutic communication
Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include at least one
(1) source in your
response. You have examined mindfulness in therapeutic communication.
You have used multiple sources in your definition.
(8.5 – 10 marks) You have explained mindfulness in therapeutic communication.
You have used multiple sources in your definition.
(7.5 – 8.4 marks) You have paraphrased and discussed mindfulness in therapeutic communication.
There are at least two (2) sources used in your definition.
(6.5 – 7.4 marks) Your definition is a direct quote from a peer reviewed source.
There is at least one (1) source used in your definition.
(5 – 6.4 marks) You have not defined mindfulness in therapeutic communication.
There are no sources used in your definition.
And/or your definition contains inaccuracies.
(0 – 4.9 marks) /10
Mindfulness Communication in Action
Define three (3) mindfulness communication techniques demonstrated in the video and describe how each could be applied in practice by the student Registered Nurse.
Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include at least one (1) example from the scenario and at least one (1) source
in your response. You have examined three (3) mindfulness communication techniques.
You have examined how the techniques could be applied in practice by the student Registered Nurse.
There are multiple examples from the scenario used in your response.
You have used multiples sources in your response.
(25.5 – 30 marks) You have explained three (3) mindfulness communication techniques.
You have explained how the techniques could be applied in practice by the student Registered Nurse.
There are multiple examples from the scenario used in your response.
You have used multiple sources in your response.
(22.5 – 25.4 marks) You have discussed three (3) mindfulness communication techniques.
You have discussed how the techniques could be applied in practice by the student Registered Nurse.
There are at least two (2) examples from the scenario used in your response.
There are at least two (2) sources used in your response.
(19.5 – 22.4 marks) You have defined three (3) mindfulness communication techniques.
You have described how the techniques could be applied in practice by the student Registered Nurse.
There is at least one (1) example from the scenario used in your response.
There is at least one (1) source used in your response.
(15 – 19.4 marks) You have defined less than three (3) mindfulness communication techniques.
You have not described how the techniques could be applied in practice by the student Registered Nurse.
There are no examples from the scenario in your response.
There are no sources used in your response.
And/or your discussion contains inaccuracies.
(0 – 14.9 marks) /30
Communicates Professionally (Academic writing and presentation).
Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, clearly, unambiguously, concisely, and in a formal academic style, with few spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
Presentation guidelines have been followed.
(8.5 – 10 marks) Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, clearly, unambiguously, and in a formal academic style, with occasional minor spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
Presentation guidelines have been followed.
(7.5 – 8.4 marks) The meaning is apparent to the reader, although text contains minor errors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and/or structure, and lacks clarity occasionally.
Presentation guidelines have been followed.
(6.5 – 7.4 marks) The meaning is apparent to the reader, although text contains many errors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and/or structure, and lacks clarity occasionally.
Presentation guidelines have been followed and/or 10% over or under the set word limit.
(5-6.4 marks) Presentation guidelines have not been followed with multiple errors.
Frequent, intrusive errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice and/or structure prevent the meaning from being apparent to the reader.
(0 – 4.5 marks) /10
Uses evidence to support and build knowledge in practice (Academic referencing).
The assessment is supported by & related to a wide variety of peer reviewed references which include journal articles, professional manuals and documents, textbooks, and module readings.
Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and is error free for the Ace homework tutors – APA 7th ed. style conventions.
(8.5 – 10 marks) The assessment is supported by & related to a variety of peer reviewed references which include journal articles, professional manuals and documents, textbooks, and module readings.
Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms to Ace homework tutors – APA 7th ed. style conventions, with one or two errors.
(7.5 – 8.4 marks) The assessment is supported by more than four (4) peer reviewed references from module readings, textbooks, and professional manuals and documents.
Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to Ace homework tutors – APA 7th ed. style conventions.
Up to five (5) minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices have no impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.
(6.5 – 7.4 marks) The assessment is supported by at least four (4) peer reviewed references from module readings, textbooks, and professional manuals and documents.
Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to Ace homework tutors – APA 7th ed. style conventions with few minor errors.
Up to ten (10) minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices that have no impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.
(5 – 6.4 marks) The assessment is supported by less than four (4) peer reviewed references from module readings, textbooks, and professional manuals and documents, and/or no references are evident
Effective Interactions with Patients Using Mindfulness Techniques

Mindfulness practices have gained increasing attention in the nursing field as a means to improve patient care and interactions. By cultivating qualities of presence, awareness, and compassion, nurses can better understand patients’ experiences and needs. This paper will discuss how applying Watson’s Caring Science model and specific mindfulness communication techniques, as seen in the video, can enhance patient interactions.
Definition of Key Terms

Watson’s Caring Science model is a theoretical framework for nursing practice that emphasizes “human caring relationships based on compassion and love rather than objective tasks” (Watson, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers, p. 46). Mindfulness in a therapeutic context involves “maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of one’s thoughts, beliefs, bodily sensations, and emotions” to fully attend to patients in a non-judgmental way (Kabat-Zinn, 2003, p. 145).
Application of Watson’s Caring Science
Three relevant Caritas Processes from the video are: 1) cultivating sensitivity to self and others, 2) developing helping-trusting caring relationships, and 3) engaging in genuine teaching-learning experiences (Watson, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). By reflecting on one’s own emotions and biases, nurses can recognize patients’ nonverbal cues and “care moments,” like the patient’s sigh in the video. This supports creating caring relationships where patients feel heard, aiding their recovery (Dossey & Keegan, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online).
Application of Mindfulness Techniques

The video demonstrated compassion, active listening, and verbal/non-verbal communication techniques. Compassion involves understanding patients’ suffering non-judgmentally (Goetz et al., 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Active listening conveys full attention through maintaining eye contact, nodding, and verbal acknowledgments like “mm-hmm” (Barker, 2003). Mindful use of tone, volume, facial expressions and body language can communicate care and build trust as seen in the video nurse’s interactions (Mosley, 2021). Nursing students can practice these techniques through roleplays and focusing on patients’ emotional states.

By applying Watson’s caring processes and specific mindfulness communication techniques shown in the video, nursing students can enhance therapeutic patient interactions. This supports creating an environment where patients feel heard, understood and comfortable sharing concerns, aiding their health outcomes. Future research should further explore how mindfulness training can be integrated into nursing curricula to strengthen these caring competencies.
Barker, L. (2003). Listen to me. American Journal of Nursing, 103(5), 112-113.

Dossey, B. M., & Keegan, L. (Eds.). (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Holistic nursing: A handbook for practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Goetz, J. L., Keltner, D., & Simon-Thomas, E. (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Compassion: An evolutionary analysis and empirical review. Psychological bulletin, 136(3), 351.
Kabat-Zinn, J. (2003). Mindfulness-based interventions in context: past, present, and future. Clinical psychology: Science and practice, 10(2), 144-156.

Mosley, D. V. (2021). The power of nonverbal communication in nursing. Journal of Christian Nursing, 38(1), 54-55.
Watson, J. (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). Nursing: The philosophy and science study bay of caring. University Press of Colorado.

Study Bay Notes
Theory of Caring and Mindfulness Communication in Nursing Practice

Nursing is a profession that requires caring and compassion for patients, as well as mindful communication skills to establish rapport, trust and understanding. One of the theories that guides nursing practice is the theory of human caring by Jean Watson, which emphasizes the importance of transpersonal caring relationships between nurses and patients. According to Watson, caring is the essence of nursing and the moral ideal that guides nursing actions. Caring involves honoring the wholeness, dignity and uniqueness of each person, as well as respecting their subjective experiences and meanings. Watson proposes 10 caritas processes that describe how nurses can practice caring in a mindful and intentional way. These are:

1. Practicing loving-kindness and equanimity toward self and others.
2. Being authentically present and enabling, and sustaining, the deep belief system and subjective life world of self and the one-being-cared-for.
3. Cultivating one’s own spiritual practices and transpersonal self, going beyond ego self.
4. Developing and sustaining a helping-trusting, authentic caring relationship.
5. Being present to, and supportive of, the expression of positive and negative feelings as a connection with deeper spirit of self and the one-being-cared-for.
6. Creatively using self and all ways of knowing as part of the caring process; engaging in artistry study bay of caring-healing practices.
7. Engaging in genuine teaching-learning experience that attends to unity of being and meaning, attempting to stay within other’s frame of reference.
8. Creating a healing environment at all levels (physical, nonphysical, subtle environment of energy and consciousness, whereby wholeness, beauty, comfort, dignity, and peace are potentiated).
9. Helping with basic needs, with an intentional caring consciousness, administering ‘human care essentials,’ which potentiate alignment of mind-body-spirit, wholeness in all aspects of care.
10. Opening and attending to spiritual-mysterious, and existential dimensions of one’s own life-death; soul care for self and the one-being-cared-for.

Mindful communication is another aspect of caring that involves being consciously aware of the present moment, free of judgment, when communicating with others. Mindful communication involves listening actively, empathizing with others, expressing oneself clearly and respectfully, and being open to feedback. Mindful communication can enhance the quality of interpersonal relationships, as well as the mental health and well-being of both parties. Mindful communication can also help nurses cope with stress, burnout, compassion fatigue, and emotional distress that may arise from their work.

Some of the benefits of mindful communication for nursing practice are:

– It can foster a deeper connection and understanding between nurses and patients, as well as among colleagues and other health care professionals.
– It can improve patient satisfaction, adherence to treatment plans, health outcomes, and quality of care.
– It can reduce errors, conflicts, misunderstandings, and miscommunication that may compromise patient safety or harm relationships.
– It can increase resilience, positive mood, self-awareness, self-compassion, and emotional regulation in nurses.
– It can decrease stress, anxiety, depression, anger, frustration, and burnout in nurses.

Some of the ways that nurses can practice mindful communication are:

– Being fully present and attentive to the person they are communicating with, without being distracted by other thoughts or stimuli.
– Being curious and open-minded about the other person’s perspective, feelings, needs, and preferences.
– Being empathetic and compassionate toward the other person’s situation, challenges, suffering, or joy.
– Being honest and authentic in expressing their own thoughts, feelings, needs, and preferences.
– Being respectful and polite in their verbal and nonverbal communication cues (e.g., tone of voice, eye contact, body language).
– Being clear and concise in their messages, avoiding jargon or ambiguity.
– Being receptive and responsive to feedback or questions from the other person.
– Being flexible and adaptable to changing situations or expectations.

In conclusion, theory of caring and mindfulness communication are two interrelated concepts that can enhance nursing practice by promoting caring relationships between nurses and patients,
as well as among colleagues and other health care professionals. By applying these concepts to their daily interactions,
nurses can improve their communication skills,
their quality of care,
and their mental health.

Works Cited

Sitzman K. Mindful Communication for Caring Online. Advances in Nursing Science. 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online;39(1):38-47.

Watson J. Core Concepts of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring/Caring Science research essay writing service [Internet]. 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers [cited 2023 Jan 10]. Available from: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers/05/watsons-theory-of-human-caring-core-concepts-handout.pdf

Koster E., Heynekamp J., Norton S. Mindful Communication: Speaking and Listening with Wisdom and Compassion. Routledge; 2023.

Blain T. Mindful Communication: Benefits and How to Do It. Verywell Mind [Internet]. 2023 May 11 [cited 2023 Jan 10]. Available from:

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