JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century
Assignment 1

JWI 510 – Assignment 1 (1202) Page 1 of 3
Due Week 3, Sunday (10% of final grade)
Leadership is a critical skill in business. Leading effectively requires an understanding of your own unique
leadership style and personality traits. For this assignment, you will reflect on your leadership experiences,
assess your strengths, evaluate your emotional intelligence and DiSC profile, and develop a plan for
mastering your leadership style.
Ace my homework – Write a 4-6 page paper in which you address the following:
1. Reflect on your leadership experiences:
a. Describe the leadership aspects of your most recent professional role.
b. Identify and describe 2 key experiences that have impacted you as a leader.
2. Assess your leadership strengths:
a. Describe 2 key strengths from Jack Welch’s Foundational Principles (see Winning, chapters 1-4)
and 8 Essential Rules of Leadership as they pertain to your leadership development.
3. How do these experiences and strengths relate to aspects of your Emotional Intelligence and
your DiSC profile?
4. Develop a plan for mastering your leadership style:
a. Identify 2-3 leadership skills you would like to master in the future.
b. Describe steps you can take to master those skills. How will you measure your success?
Professional Formatting Requirements:
• Typed, double spaced, professional font (size 10-12), includes headings and subheadings(to
identify main topics and subtopics), with one-inch margins on all sides. See the Sample
Professional Paper under Course Documents for an example.
• References must be included and provide accurate information that enables the reader to
locate the original source. Application and analysis of course materials and resources is
expected, and additional research is welcome.
• Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the
course title, and the date.
• Before submitting your paper, use Grammarly to check for punctuation and usage errors,
and make the required corrections.
JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century
Assignment 1

Leadership Profile: Reflecting on Leadership Experiences and Developing a Plan for Mastery

Leadership is a critical skill in business, and it requires an understanding of one’s unique leadership style and personality traits. This paper reflects on my leadership experiences, assesses my strengths, evaluates my emotional intelligence, and DiSC profile, and develops a plan for mastering my leadership style.

Leadership Experiences
a. Describe the leadership aspects of your most recent professional role.
In my most recent professional role as a marketing manager, my leadership aspects included strategic planning, team management, communication, and decision-making. I was responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies, overseeing campaigns, and ensuring that marketing objectives were achieved. Additionally, I managed a team of marketers, providing guidance, support, and motivation to ensure that they performed optimally. Effective communication was critical in ensuring that everyone was on the same page, and decision-making played a significant role in steering the team towards the set goals.

b. Identify and describe 2 key experiences that have impacted you as a leader.
One of the most impactful leadership experiences was when I had to lead a team that was tasked with developing a new product. Initially, the team was excited about the project, but as the project progressed, they faced numerous challenges, and morale went down. As a leader, I had to step in and motivate the team, help them overcome the challenges, and keep them focused on the project’s goals. Through this experience, I learned the importance of being a positive influence and how to maintain team morale even when faced with challenges.

The second impactful experience was when I had to lead a team that was comprised of individuals from different cultures and backgrounds. As a leader, I had to be culturally sensitive, ensure that everyone was comfortable, and encourage team members to share their ideas and perspectives freely. Through this experience, I learned the importance of diversity and how to leverage it to create a more productive team.

Leadership Strengths
a. Describe 2 key strengths from Jack Welch’s Foundational Principles (see Winning, chapters 1-4) and 8 Essential Rules of Leadership as they pertain to your leadership development.
One of my key strengths is candor, which is highlighted in Jack Welch’s Foundational Principles. Candor is the ability to speak the truth candidly, even when it is uncomfortable. I believe that candor fosters transparency, trust, and open communication. As a leader, I have consistently encouraged my team members to speak up and share their ideas without fear of repercussions, and this has helped me identify issues early and address them before they escalate.

The second key strength is from the 8 Essential Rules of Leadership, which is to lead by example. I believe that as a leader, it is critical to model the behavior and attitudes that I expect from my team members. I consistently work hard, set high standards, and demonstrate a positive attitude, and this has helped me earn my team’s respect and trust.

Emotional Intelligence and DiSC Profile
My emotional intelligence and DiSC profile relate to my experiences and strengths in that they have helped me understand my communication style and how to effectively communicate with different personalities. Through my DiSC profile, I have learned that I am an “I” personality, which means that I am outgoing, enthusiastic, and love socializing. This personality type is well-suited to leadership roles that involve interacting with people, which explains my comfort in team management.

Additionally, my emotional intelligence has helped me manage my emotions effectively, understand others’ emotions, and build strong relationships with my team members. My ability to empathize and communicate effectively has helped me understand my team members’ perspectives, build trust, and create an environment where everyone feels valued.

Plan for Mastering Leadership Style
a. Identify 2- Develop a plan for mastering your leadership style:
a. Identify 2-3 leadership skills you would like to master in the future.
b. Describe steps you can take to master those skills. How will you measure your success?
As I reflect on my leadership experiences and assess my strengths, I have identified two key leadership skills that I would like to master in the future. The first skill is effective communication, which is crucial in building strong relationships and achieving business goals. The second skill is conflict resolution, which is important in managing team dynamics and ensuring that conflicts are resolved efficiently and fairly.

To master effective communication, I plan to take the following steps:

Seek feedback: I will ask colleagues and team members for feedback on my communication style and how I can improve it.

Attend workshops: I will attend workshops or seminars on effective communication to learn new techniques and strategies for improving my communication skills.

Practice active listening: I will practice active listening, which involves fully engaging with others, being present in the moment, and giving my full attention to what they are saying.

Use clear and concise language: I will use clear and concise language when communicating with others, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may be difficult to understand.

Measure success: I will measure my success in mastering effective communication by tracking my progress and monitoring feedback from colleagues and team members.

To master conflict resolution, I plan to take the following steps:

Learn conflict resolution techniques: I will research and learn conflict resolution techniques, such as active listening, empathy, and compromise.

Seek feedback: I will ask colleagues and team members for feedback on my conflict resolution skills and how I can improve them.

Practice conflict resolution: I will practice conflict resolution skills in real-life situations, such as team meetings or project discussions.

Keep emotions in check: I will remain calm and composed during conflicts, avoiding the temptation to get defensive or aggressive.

Measure success: I will measure my success in mastering conflict resolution by tracking my progress and monitoring feedback from colleagues and team members.

In conclusion, mastering leadership skills is an ongoing process that requires continuous self-reflection, learning, and development. By identifying my leadership strengths and areas for improvement, I can develop a plan to master my leadership style and become a more effective leader.

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