Evaluate the Effects of socioeconomic status on health


You must identify a main idea that will become your thesis statement (often answering the question with your reasons is the basis of a strong thesis). Then choose which effects of your topics you will discuss based on which most strongly support your main idea. Finally, arrange your effects in a logical order. Each body paragraphshould focus on one cause/effect and develop with details and examples. This essay should be atleast three pages and be structured as follows: (500 Words)

• Introduction with thesis statement
• Body Paragraph 1: First cause (or effect)
• Body Paragraph 2: Second cause (or effect)
• Body Paragraph 3: Third cause (or effect)
• Conclusion


• Use ace my homework – Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA format and professional, academic style. No slang or clichés; write only in third person (do not use I, we, our, us, you, your, etc.).
• You must use at least 2 (no more than 3) credible outside sources
• Your points must be researched (i.e. not just your opinion with no research to support it)
• Sources must be properly cited using ace my homework – Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA format both in-text and on works cited page.
• Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence and be at least 9-11 sentences.

This Assignment Is Needed 11/15/16 by 9am central time. NO PLAGIRISM, Will be put through a plagirism checker.

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