Analyze the similarities and differences in the films
Essay Option: New York City
After viewing the films Midnight Cowboy and Entre Nos, write a short essay (3-pages minimum) that responds to the following:
Using the concepts of urban allure, urban alienation, social capital, and informal economies discussed in class, compare and contrast the New York City migrant/immigrant experience of the lead characters depicted in the films Midnight Cowboy and Entre Nos.
Essay Content (20 points)
“Compare and contrast” means you should discuss the similarities and differences in the films. As such, both films should get roughly equal coverage. Essays should be clear and concise, as well as demonstrate a solid understanding of the concepts and ability to apply them to film.
Grammar and Style Guidelines (10 points)
Your paper should have clear structure (with an introduction paragraph, body, and conclusion), and well-written paragraphs (with a topic sentence, supportive sentences, and conclusion/transition sentence). Start a new paragraph every time you begin a new idea or introduce a new theme.
Use formal language. Ace my homework – Write as if you are delivering a speech, not talking to your friend.
Use 3rd person (he, she, it, they, them) and consistent tense (present, past, or future).
Do not use contractions (he’s, it’s, can’t, weren’t, etc.).
Italicize movie titles
Avoid sentence fragments and run-on sentences.
Use proper language, grammar and punctuation, if you are unsure about your writing skills use the resources available at ASU, such as the Writing Center.
Proof-read and use spell check.