Use the following situation to Aanswerquestions14 to must18 below:criminallaboratorysometimes estimate a person’s heightfrom partial skeletal remains. A random sample of ten adult malex-rays gave the following information, where x = length of femur(the thigh bone) in inches and y = body height in inches. Thisinformation will be used to determine a possible relationshipbetween femur length and height.14.Produce a scatterplot of this paired data at the right.15.Which of the following best describes the correlation thatis demonstrated by the scatterplot (Choose the one bestanswer.)A. No CorrelationB. Strong Positive CorrelationC. Strong Negative CorrelationD. Correlation, but not linear16.Determine the sample’s correlation coefficient r and thecoefficient of determination r2. Then explain clearlywhether or not we should conclude that thecorrelation in these two variables is statisticallysignificant.17.Give the equation of the line-of-best-fit (trend line), theslope of this line, and explain what the slope means in thecontext of this problem.18.What should one predict the height of an adult male to beif femur length is 19.5 inches?x17.5y7220822180198115.56318.5781666187316.5681770

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