Do both Pseudocode 1 and Program 1 :PSEUDOCODE 1:Ace my homework – Write pseudocode for a fancy vending machine that serves out Coke, Fruit Juice and Pretzels. Each day the machine starts out with 100 units of each of the products and $100 in the machine. The products cost $1 for coke, $1.25 for Fruit juict and $0.75 for pretzels. The program should keep track of total money in the machine and the total number of units left for each of the products. So the program should be a loop that prompts for which item that the person wants to purchase and how many in that category that they which to purchase- it should figure out a total then should subtract the units from the number on hand and add the money to the money in the machine. There should also be an option to shutdown the machine for the day for restocking that should display the final units in each category and the final monetary amount in the machine. Make sure that products are available in the machine before they are purchased and that negative numbers cannot be entered.PROGRAM 1:Ace my homework – Write a program to keep track of the amount of food that one monkey eats in one day. The program should have an array of 24 elements and allow the user to input the amount of food in grams that the monkey eats every hour in a single day. Once all data has been entered then the program should list the hour that the monkey ate the most plus the average food per hour that the monkey consumed. Remember to put comments into your program as well as name/date and e-mail. Upload your results to Blackboard.Mustbe C++ language, and should have comments.

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