thical marketing research
It seems as if most subjects of study have an ethical component to them. Identifying
and analysing ethical issues, factors and frameworks is easy with some subjects and
disciplines, but challenging with others. Some ethical aspects are obvious, while
others are much more subtle.For the final Key Concept Exercise in this module, you
will examine the ethics, both subtle and obvious, of marketing research, especially
as they pertain to the smartphone scenario. Continue examining the junior marketing
executive’s role in representing or ‘being the face of’ the company as it attempts
to break into this new market, and ask yourself how ethical concepts apply to each
step and layer of the scenario. Begin thinking about how the manner in which you
conduct your research will account for and respect the cultural values of both
internal and external project stakeholders.To prepare for this Key Concept
Exercise:Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 8.Reflect on the role of
ethics in marketing research and managing stakeholder relationships.Consider the
value of international codes of practice for marketing research.Think of examples of
how a marketing researcher can ensure ethical behaviour when conducting marketing
research.To complete this Key Concept Exercise:By Day 3, in an approximately
500-word response, address the following issues/questions:Assuming the role of the
junior marketing executive, what types of relationships will you have to manage when
you are undertaking your research?Who are the stakeholders to whom you are ethically
accountable?How can you conduct your research in an ethical manner, taking into
account these stakeholders?

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Essays Scribe
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